Monday, March 24, 2008

The White Knight?

Many of us, I am sure, have been waiting and hoping for a White Knight to come along and rescue us from the disaster of Bush/Cheney. Wouldn’t it be ironic if our White Knight turned out to be half black? Of course Barack Obama may not turn out to be such a Knight, but at the moment he is basically our only choice and hope. It is certain that neither Clinton or McCain could be such a savior, as both of them are little more than a third term for Bush. Besides, Clinton has proven herself to be just as dishonest and deceptive as Bush, with her lies about NAFTA and her trips abroad. McCain, while an authentic war hero, is basically a fraud as a candidate for the Presidency. He has proven to have the courage of no convictions other than constant war. Now it has been suggested he has “senior moments.” Just what we need in the White House with his finger on the trigger, a hot-head subject to senior moments.

The campaign rhetoric must be trying for a new low of some kind. Now Richardson is Judas and Bill Clinton is Joe McCarthy, according to respective spokespersons. On the one hand I believe it is only fair for Obama to give as well as he gets, but on the other hand I hate to see the campaign degenerate so. James Carville, who referred to Richardson as Judas, is not someone to be taken seriously. After all, he’s married to Mary Matalan who has been Cheney’s flunky for years. How Carville, supposedly a staunch democrat, can be married to a Cheney supporter, defies imagination. Except when you conclude that they are both nothing but simple mercenaries in it for the money and willing and capable to do and say anything for their masters. I guess Washington D.C. is full of such people, a sad commentary on the state of American politics.

The Clinton campaign has now come up with still another creative idea to try to find some way for Hillary to get the nomination. She is behind in delegates, behind in the popular vote, behind in number of states won, and failed to get Michigan and Florida votes. She also failed to sell the idea of only some states should count (the big ones she won). So what now? She thinks the nomination should be based upon the number of electoral votes they have (she has a slight edge)! Nothing transparent about this scam. It will fail, of course, and then we’ll see just how creative she really is because there is little room left for her to attempt something else. Her claim to having more experience than Obama is also rapidly falling apart as more and more it is being revealed that she has grossly exaggerated her experience. When she finally has to concede she’ll just have to stand by and hope McCain wins the Presidency, thus giving her another chance in 2012. She has so discredited herself I doubt she could win even then, although it’s true, Americans have very short memories. Living in the depths of a depression might constantly jog it, however.

It’s bad enough that Hillary belongs to a secret “Fellowship,” along with some of the most conservative people in the country, but now her Pastor has been indicted for child molestation. There has been so much of this in churches lately I’m beginning to believe this is the main reason they exist. There seems to be a virtual epidemic of child molestation and child pornography in this country. What on earth is the matter with us? I don’t know offhand if there is much data available on this cross-culturally, but it would be most interesting to know if it is primarily an American phenomena, or perhaps a Western-European one. I rather doubt that it exists in such an important form elsewhere in the world (I could, of course, be wrong, but I don’t know how to prove it).

“The opposite of the religious fanatic is not the fanatic atheist but the gentle cynic who cares not whether there is a god or not.”
Eric Hoffer

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