Monday, March 03, 2008

The Dumb-headed Reverend Magee

What’s with this John Sidney McCain III? He’s proud to be endorsed by Magee? Magee, who believes Katrina happened because New Orleans was about to hold a sinful Gay Pride Parade? Who thinks the Catholic Church is a whore and some kind of cult? Who can’t wait for Armageddon when all the Jews that refuse to convert, and all the rest of us nonbelievers will go burn in hell while he and his true believers will ascend to heaven and live in blissful luxury forever? McCain is proud of this endorsement? And we aren’t laughing him off the stage? Doesn’t it make you wonder just a little bit if we aren’t all a few cards short of a full deck? But what would you expect from people who sit by the hour in front of little screens watching talking insects, talking animals, talking vitamins, carrots, and even hamburgers, talking cars, and even talking chocolate chip cookies, that also sing and drive cars? It’s almost enough to make you wish for Armageddon. Of course the Minister of Obama’s church supports the anti-semitic Louis Farrakon. If the candidates want my advice: stay away from churches and avoid “men of the cloth.” At least Farrakon is probably sane whereas I fear the same cannot be said for the pea-for-brain Magee. Magee endorsement or not, McCain is the perfect choice to lead the war and torture party. The way things are going with Clinton and Obama, McCain may well end up keeping us all in the war and torture business. The Democratic nomination needs to be settled soon, like hopefully tomorrow. Please, Big JuJu, be merciful.

Here is a joke for the elderly;

Two very old women were playing cards, they have been playing the same card games for over fifty years. One of them says to the other, “you know, my dear, we’ve been playing together like this for over fifty years, but suddenly I can’t remember your name.”

The other lady looked at her somewhat puzzled for a long time. Finally she said, “how soon do you need to know.”

I love jokes about the elderly because I have become one of them. It’s not all bad.

I do not believe we should allow people to hunt wolves for sport. How is shooting a wolf any different than shooting a dog? The only difference I can see is that you have to find a wolf to shoot instead of just shooting in your back yard. But if the sport lies in finding a wolf, why not just take a picture? I don’t understand killing for no reason, as we continue to do in Iraq and Afghanistan. I don’t believe in killing as punishment either. Life in jail is probably a much better punishment anyway, and it leaves the way open for the correction of mistakes, of which there have been many. I don’t understand the American public. I don’t think anyone else does either. Remember, life is just a terminal condition, transmitted by sex. Without us the world will probably continue for a long time – and be a better place. We are fouling our nest and time is running out. But cheers anyway. Pip, pip, keep a stiff upper lip, don’t give up the ship, and whatever.

"On the plus side, death is one of the few things that can be done just as easily lying down."
Woody Allen

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