Tuesday, March 25, 2008

In vain

Bush recently said that the decision to take out Saddam Hussein was the right decision when he first did it, it was the right decision later, it’s the right decision now, and it will always be the right decision. Talk about speaking in vain! This carries the ridiculous even past the sublime.

But seriously speaking of things in vain. Bush insists that our troops have not and will not have died in vain. I would like to know that if they haven’t died in vain, what have they died for? What is it we have accomplished by this terrible and unnecessary “war?” Have we spread democracy? Have we destroyed (imaginary) weapons of mass destruction? Have we improved the lives of Iraqis? Have we inspired the rest of the Middle East to crave democracy? Have we even stolen or managed to control the oil? What? I want to know. I demand to know. I want an explanation for this absolutely murderous, criminal behavior. I don’t want to be told any longer that we are “winning,” “succeeding,” or going to be “victorious.” I want to be told the electricity and water have been restored, the displaced have returned to their homes, and yes, damn it, the untold dead have been brought back to life, and this whole miserable eight years has just been a terrible bad dream.

I guess one might say that military personnel never die in vain. If they die honorably in the service of their country, as they are asked to do, they do not die in vain. This is true whether the mission they were given was worthwhile or not. That is not up to them. But this is not the meaning Bush has in mind when he lies to the parents who have lost their sons and daughters to this awful mistake. He wants them to believe that something has been or will be accomplished. And it hasn’t and won’t. There is nothing that can come out of this illegal business after the loss of life and misery of so many that can possibly be said to have been worth it. To even suggest such a thing shows an awesome disregard for human life and suffering. Bush is so out of touch with reality, so unconcerned with death and destruction and misery beyond belief that he actually had the nerve to suggest how romantic it was to be serving in Afghanistan, and how much he would like to be joining them in this great adventure. He is, in short, a monster, inhuman in his inability to empathize with the misery of others. He might as well be back in his childhood blowing up frogs for all he understands of pain and suffering. How this borderline retarded man got elected to the Presidency of what used to be the greatest country on earth, and how he managed to serve for eight years without being impeached or imprisoned for his blatant crimes against humanity will keep historians busy and confused for many decades to come. Unfortunately for the United States and the world, given the nature of our Congress and the public, this has been simply a case of the blind and dumb leading the blind and dumb. Beer anyone?

Hillary Clinton, increasingly caught in her web of lies, half truths, and distortions, is pulling out all stops and going nuclear in her attack on Obama. I fail to see how this will win her the Presidency except, perhaps, in 2012 when it will probably be too late to matter.

“Repetition does not convert a lie into the truth.”
Franklin D. Roosevelt

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