Monday, March 10, 2008

Advice for Obama

Celebrates his 43rd birthday with two
armed robberies in 45 minutes. Leaves
Checks and money on the street.

Dear Barack, let an older man offer you some advice because I fear you do not fully understand what you are up against. Do not try to argue or respond to any of the illogical, unreasonable, half-truths that are being put out about you by Hillary Clinton. Her arrogant and absurd offer of the Vice-Presidency when you are actually ahead in delegates and votes, for example. Or her equally absurd claim that only she can answer the phone at 3:00 a.m. Or her pretense that the contest is basically equal, or that caucus delegates are different, or that she isn’t sure you’re not a Muslim, and so on. The specifics of what she is saying are not the problem. The very essence of her strategy lies in the unreason and illogic itself. Put in its simplest form, she is trying to drive you crazy. She is going to repeat her illogical sayings over and over, and the more you try to argue with her, or employ any form of logic or reason, the more she will continue to do the same. She will use her illogic as a cudgel to beat you into submission. You will ultimately become so frustrated by trying to argue with her or explain anything logically you will eventually give up. The strategy is not to convince anyone you are unworthy of being President (she knows better than that), or that you might become her Vice-President (she knows better than that), or that you might be a Muslim (she knows better than that), the strategy lies in the persistent use of the illogic and unreason itself, thus provoking you into useless attempts to show that you are not any of those things until, out of sheer desperation and frustration, you will eventually succumb This is what people mean when they say you cannot argue with him/her because they do not respond to any form of reason or logic. Your best bet, by far, is to simply ignore her absurd statements and go on the attack. Why is she claiming experience she doesn’t have? Where are the tax returns? What did she really have to do with peace in North Ireland? Why can’t she play by the rules? What has she said to European governments? Don’t allow her to drive you slowly insane because you cannot argue with her. It is completely pointless. There is method in her madness and she knows perfectly well what it is. I fear you do not. I sincerely hope you will consider this advice from someone who has had a lifetime of dealing with just this kind of controlling strategy. Good luck and best wishes. You’re the man!

Hillary claims to be a fighter. She’s not. She’s a sneak. She’s like the rat that gnaws and gnaws at the door until eventually it creates a hole. She goes at it a little bit at a time but is relentlessly persistent. If one thing doesn’t work she tries another. Her latest ploy is to claim that caucus delegates are different from pledged delegates. There is a grain of truth in this but it’s not going to fly. Then there is her claim that some states are more equal than others. Then there are her expressed doubts about Obama’s experience (that is actually greater than hers), her fantasy that she alone can be Commander-in-Chief. Then her apparent dream that the superdelegates are going to eventually pick her even though Obama has the most votes. And on and on. It’s true, she never gives up. Too bad for the democratic party. She should.

Having driven the Palestinians into a dungeon-like existence where they can be picked off at leisure, and having recently murdered another hundred or so, including the usual women and children, and having Rice browbeat Abbas into agreeing to continue negotiating anyway, Olmert has responded by announcing the construction of more illegal housing in the West Bank. Now there is a commitment to peace! Olmert, you better watch out, you may give Israelis a bad name. Not that anyone in the West seems to be paying attention.

I was going to consider whether Jonah Goldberg had a brain or not. But I decided that was too easy and the answer too obvious. It’s a waste of time reporting on the obvious. Then I thought about Dick the Slimy. We haven’t heard much from him lately. But then I decided it was better to let sleeping dogs lie. He might come out from under his rock snarling and bite someone. So let me comment briefly on the Governor of New York. I am not upset over the fact that men solicit prostitutes as I know it happens all the time. But what I can’t stand is idiocy joined with hypocrisy. Spitzer was supposed to be this holier-than-thou Prosecutor with morals superior to those of the Pope. So not only has he proven to be a hypocrite, he has also proven to be unutterably stupid. He made these “dates” using his cell phone and left a trail of evidence so obvious that a child would seemingly have known better. And he also violated the Mann Act, a federal crime of some seriousness. He may or may not have had anything to do with money laundering or organized crime. This strikes me as somewhat similar to masturbating in the closet while standing on a chair with a noose around your neck (someone actually did this). Alas, poor Elliot, we didn’t know you well enough. Goodbye you idiotic hypocrite that could have accomplished so much. Maybe you and Giuliani together can start a school for fools and hypocrites, you could train people going on to Washington D.C.

“Be careful when you fight the monsters, lest you become one.”
Friedrich Nietzsche

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