Thursday, March 20, 2008

Can Obama win?

I know it must sound strange to ask if Obama can win when he is ahead in delegates, the popular vote, and number of states won. And I know it is mathematically and realistically virtually impossible for Hillary to win. But Hillary doesn’t have the decency to concede and seems willing to sacrifice everything, including the democratic party, for her blind ambition (or the corporate masters). It would be one thing if it were merely Hillary, but the problem is, it isn’t just Hillary. Her campaign, McCain’s campaign, and more importantly, the MSM are all embarked on a super campaign to destroy Obama. The main way they plan to do this is by focusing incessantly on the race (and to a certain extent the religious) card. This is why they are playing sermons by the Reverend Wright over and over and over, because they believe that will turn off lots of white voters. And they might be right. Racism, as Obama pointed out in his marvelous speech, is still a problem in the U.S. Hillary, when asked if she was playing the Wright card, merely shrugged and went on to the next question. The MSM won’t let the issue die. And McCain, of course, wastes no opportunity to join the fray and criticize Obama. So even though he is ahead in the race at the moment, and even though it is virtually impossible for Hillary to overtake him, with the support of the MSM and McCain she might actually do so. To my way of thinking, such as it is, this seems ultimately self-defeating. It will turn off so many voters, especially blacks, but also young people and progressive everywhere, she will not be able to govern successfully even if she should somehow win. Fifty percent or more of the American public will despise her (as I have come to do). McCain may be Bush heavy, but Hillary is clearly Bush lite (at least), and with either of them in the Presidency you can kiss any meaningful change goodbye. According to the latest Gallup poll, nationally Hillary has recaptured the lead from Obama. You see, racism and negative campaigning works (at least in the short run). It’s like all the schoolyard bullies have come together to pick on the one lone black kid on the playground. He may win, and should win, but the odds are beginning to look tougher and tougher. Thee is one relatively easy way he could prevail, if the MSM would reveal more about Hillary's membership in the "Fellowship," and if they would play Falwell, Robertson, and Magee sermons over and over. But they won't do that, will they? Let’s show the world, once and for all, that we can overcome racism in our country. VOTE FOR OBAMA AND BE PROUD!

I confess that I continue to be totally confused and bewildered by human behavior. I know that members of the human species have moved into, and successfully live in, just about every conceivable environment on the planet, from the Arctic to the deserts, to the tropical forests, at almost every altitude and climate, and so on. Marvelous adaptations, extremely clever solutions to living, brilliant discoveries, the invention of fire, the bow and arrow, harpoon, and poison arrows, to say nothing of firearms and now even nuclear bombs. BUT WE STILL CANNOT STOP KILLING AND TORTURING AND STEALING. What is our problem? It’s a small planet. We all have to live on it together. Instead of spending all our time working on new and creative ways to destroy each other, why don’t we work on ways to live together in cooperation and peace? We now have unmanned drones we send out to kill people. We may soon have robots that can patrol the streets and engage in combat (if we don’t already have something like that). We can have unmanned tanks and computer driven cannons, and everything controlled by technology. Just think, if our “enemies” can keep up technologically, we may eventually get rid of Rambo and replace him with the war of the nerds against the geeks. The 97 pounders against the couch potatoes. But what fun would be gained from torturing robots (I bet we’ll find a way)? It is all far too much for my feeble brain to even imagine. Maybe, just for starters, we can get the hell out of Iraq and reconsider what we are doing? Naw, that would be sensible, and there is seemingly no room for sensibility in the “modern” world. Cheers.

“The poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese.”
G. K. Chesterton

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