Tuesday, April 12, 2005

What to make of it all?

I cannot understand what is going on in the world and especially in the United States. It appears that in the Bush/Cheney Administration the bigger the failure the bigger the promotion. Wolfowitz has already made it to head the World Bank. It appears that Bolton will probably be confirmed. Tenet and others have already had their rewards. There were television shots of Bush today speaking to the troops somewhere or other, a short helicopter ride from his hideout in Crawford, in which he spoke of our great victory in Iraq. Our great victory in Iraq? Clearly he is not of this planet. It was interesting to note that all of the hundreds of assembled troops had brought with them their little paper American flags which they waved with great enthusiasm. I guess they were enthusiastic because they are all going back to Iraq. I wonder if Bush made them pay for the flags?

Bush continues to ride nobly forward on his dead horse towards Social Security destruction. Happily, the more he pursues his agenda the worse it appears. I gather the seniors have announced that Social Security will never be privatized. Doesn't really matter to Bush because he doesn't care about anything but distracting us from the much greater problems of his Administrtion: war crimes, national debt, environmental destruction, potential economic collapse, the destruction of the dollar, etc, etc.

In the meantime his base is occupying itself with impeaching judges who don't think juveniles should receive the death penalty, try to follow the Constitution rather than the dictates of the far right, think gays should probably be executed, along with doctors who perform abortions, and other "Christian" ideas like that. They are all "pro-life" except when it comes to "towel heads," "gooks," "spiks," or other non-lunatic religious bigots. What to make of it all? Beats me.

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