Monday, April 18, 2005

Elections, Wars, and Apathy

By now it should be clear to even the most mentally challenged that the 2004 election was stolen through a combination of dirty tricks, faulty machines, dishonest election officials, and what have you. But where is the outrage? As the major media, both print and television seem to be uninterested I guess the public is likewise uninterested. President Jimmy Carter and former Secretary of State James Baker are apparently forming a bipartisan non-governmental commission to look into the electoral system. James Baker? They must be kidding. When John Bolton and the rest of the Republican brown shirts physically intervened in the vote counting in 2000 this fascist attempt to take over our government should have been exposed and they should have gone to jail. Nothing happened. They were allowed to get away with this absolutely unAmerican episode. Nothing will come of this Commission either. Ho-hum, just politics as usual.

The same thing is true of the absolutely illegal and unconstitutional "war" Bush/Cheney started in Iraq. This was and is a war crime of monumental proportions - but who cares? No one it seems. Bush/Cheney just persist in their lies and continue their crimes and no one seems to care. I guess it is indeed, "the miracle of apathy."

I cannot wait until tomorrow for the vote on the confirmation of Bolton. If he gets confirmed that will tell us just how vile the Republicans have become. There seem to be no honest or decent Republicans anywhere these days. Just party loyalty and screw the public. Democrats, with their hands in the same tills, of course do nothing.

The dark forest beckons me
to a mystery,
but I am fearful to go,
as residents there
may resent my intrusion.

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