Tuesday, April 05, 2005


When it comes to the subject of evolution why should we have to respond to the unbelievably stupid claims of the Churches of the Altogether Demented? What do you mean you don't believe in evolution? The question should be, how on earth can you not believe in evolution? The answer, I guess, is that somehow the world is too complicated or beautiful or whatever to have been created without some kind of "Intelligent Design."

But if that is their claim they should be able to demonstrate some evidence of intelligent design. So, let's see: human beings are regarded by these people as the absolute apex of creation, they are modeled on the image of God, they are so wonderful as to have dominion over the beasts and the earth and blah, blah, blah. So why do they insists on killing each other almost as fast as they can? Why do they seem to be intent on fouling their nests as fast as possible? Why are they so short sighted and greedy? Why can they absolutely fail to get along with each other no matter what? What is intelligent about child abuse? Crime in general? Poverty? What is intelligent about a few having so much and the vast majority having so little? Why should people have to die long painful lingering deaths with their organs slowly rotting away? Why should there be diseases of any kind in the first place? How is it that they can torture each other in the most painful excruciating means possible? What is it that makes them believe they are intelligent at all when all the evidence indicates they are probably the most unintelligent creatures on earth? There is no other species of any kind with the track record of killing, maiming, torturing, destructivism, pillaging, raping, and what have you of the human species. Let's face it, in the ultimate scheme of things we are the most pathetic, unintelligent, rapacious, destructive, vile, stupid creatures that ever existed on the planet. But not to mind, the Rapture is coming soon.

I want these people who do not believe in evolution to tell me why not. But no bullshit about intelligent design. Don't tell me the bible says...Don't confess your ultimate idiocy. Just tell me why you don't believe in evolution. Expain to me how it is that the earth was created in only 6000 years, dinosaurs did not really exist, ancient human fossils have just been faked, geologist, paleontologists, and others who have spent their lives researching such things are just plain wrong, we are the culmination of intelligent design, the apex of civilization, the top of the great chain of being, the god-like creatures who hold the future of the planet in our hands, and totally lack the intelligence and the will to do anything in the least bit responsible.

George W. Bush says the answer about evolution is still in doubt. I guess that is what they teach you at Yale.

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