Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Are the Chinese crazy, or what?

I see lately in the news, or at least what passes for news these days, that China will soon be producing more automobiles than any other country on earth. Are they absolutely mad? Are they unaware that (1) peak oil has occurred and there will be less and less available? (2) Have they not seen the utter absurdity of the American love affair with the automobile (and the internal combustion engine)? Why on earth would any intelligent group of people want to emulate the disaster that is the American dream (of two cars in every garage?). Good grief, spend your money on some new rapid transit system, or even on individual helicopters powered by cleverly reprocessed rice hulls, or the energy generated by ocean waves, or gifts from the sun, or the wind, or even from the energy generated by those who would stand to gain from this ridiculous program. If there is anything the earth doesn't need it has to be more automobiles. I cannot believe the Chinese are as stupid as Americans, especially after years of watching us waste and waste and pollute and pollute, and turn our clear skies into smog choking health problems. Granted that China may have problems of its own it certainly shouldn't need stupid unnecessary problems of ours.

Oh yeah, it appears that terrorist attacks last year were two or even three times worse than the year before, maybe even worse than that. That would seem to indicate that the Bush/Cheney "war or terror" has been a dismal failure. But no, Condi to the rescue, she simply abandoned the annual report on such things. It is comforting to know that we are in such good and competent hands.

It is even more comforting to know that Condi is going around the world telling all other countries and governments how they ought to behave. After all, why should the United States not have the right to tell everyone else how to behave? How she could not believe that she and the United States are simply regarded as laughable is quite beyond my comprehension. And, of course, by now we are simply that, laughable.

We are not only laughable, we are criminal. But I guess no one cares. It's like the woman in Texas the other day who shouted out, "Tom, we love you," to the most devious, unethical, even criminal Representative in history. I guess in Texas criminaltiy passes for leadership.

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