Friday, April 15, 2005

Are things at last falling apart?

The stock market has suffered triple digit losses three days in a row. Does that tell us anything about confidence in the economy? While the price of oil came down somewhat in the last couple of days does anyone believe we will ever have cheap gasoline again? Indeed, there are people who are arguing that the best thing that could happen to the U.S. is if gasoline would rise to $4.00 per gallon. This is actually a cogent argument as the Automobile industry would be forced to build more fuel efficient vehicles, the environment would benefit, the U.S. would be seen as actually trying to do something about global warming instead of simply denying that it exists, and so on. I'm all for it.

Where do Republicans like Bill Frist and Newt Gingrich get the idea that they should or could run for President? Talk about a couple of conservative nincompoops! I guess they believe that the wacko right would be enough to elect them. I don't think so. In fact, I believe that by the time the 2008 election rolls around the superstitious movement will have been seen for the utter nonsense it is. As always I could be wrong. But I cannot bring myself to believe that a majority of U.S. citizens really believe science is unimportant, the rapture is coming, the bible is literally true, etc., etc. Nor do I believe a majority of U.S. citizens will get behind either a draft or another war. Indeed, I believe any attempt to institue a draft to go to war against Iran will probably bring about an anti-war effort so immense it will make Vietnam look like a picnic. Bush's popularity index is at an all time low at the moment. Do you believe trying to force people to send their sons and daughters into the valley of death for more oil is going to fly? To anyone with the mind of anyone past the age of five the obvious solution to the energy problem is not to try to find and/or steal more oil - it is to find viable substitutes for that commodity. But don't expect the Bush/Cheney (you do remember Cheney don't you?) people to give up on oil. After all, that's where they make their obscene amounts of money.

Let's face facts. Our grand and beautiful country is going down the tube. We no longer excell at anything. Soon we will be begging the world to forgive us and keep on giving us the handouts that keep us going at all. "Can't work for food. We forgot how."

1 comment:

Watch 'n Wait said...

At this point, the Fundies have made themselves so important as the crucial "base" the GOP must have that both Gingrich and Frist, to say nothing of Santorum, believe that if they just pander enough and bluster enough the presidency will be theirs. They have the special interest syndrome and fail to recognize it. No question but that you're right about the affect of a draft. The streets would fill. You do realize that they'd never admit oil had any part in it. would be WMD, then bringing democracy. Same old, same old. So the question is, are our fellow citizens stupid enough to swallow that crap again?