Tuesday, April 26, 2005


It seems that the Gannon/Guckertgate scandal has resurfaced. The Secret Service has revealed that on many occasions Gannon was in the White House when he had no obvious reason to be there. That is, there was no Press Conference scheduled. It is also the case that the records of his comings and goings are not at all complete. He apparently didn't always sign in or out as he should have been required to do. So naturally the question arises as to just what he was doing there. So far no one has found out what he was doing when apparently wandering around the White House at his leisure. There is a slight hint of perhaps homosexual trysts in the White House. This, of course, would make Monicagate look like a picnic. But of course this couldn't be true as Republicans think all homosexuals should be executed as soon as possible. There is also no explanation as to who might have enabled him to enter and leave as he obviously did. But someone with a massive amount of clout must have made this possible. As his only claim to expertise seems to involve homosexual prostitution one does have to wonder. Please don't tell me he was a reporter.

How low could we have sunk in international relations when the Council of Europe with a vote of 83 in favor and five abstentions sent a message to the United States that we should follow the law and do something about our outrageous Guantanamo Bay situation. They suggested, and rightly so, we should release those for whom there are no charges and try those immediately where there are charges. How dare they suggest that we are flagrantly violating not only international law but our own Constitution? Well, to hell with them. How many nuclear bombs and combat divisions do they have? Just wait until Bolton get to the U.N. He'll set them straight about a few things.

To cap off an otherwise interesting day I just learned (although I guess I should have known this for a long time) that the Israelis for years have been poisoning Palestinian livestock, the very creatures they need to make a living. Those Israelis, they are so creative when it comes to stealing land and near genocide. Somehow this bothers me as much as the rest of the dismal history of Israel and its blatant land grab. I guess sheep and goats have no right of return either.

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