Friday, April 06, 2007

What ya gonna do?

What do you do when confronted by someone who insists something is true when all the evidence clearly demonstrates that it is not true? This is what we are up against when trying to deal with the Bush/Cheney administration. Cheney has argued for years that there was/is a relationship between al Quaeda and Sadam. Now that the Pentagon itself has released a definitive account saying there was no such relationship Cheney continues to insist there was. Is this merely a simple case of denial or is it the only claim Cheney still has to cling to?

This is not much different from the claims that have been made all along about the "progress" we have been making in Iraq. As near as I can tell there has been no progress whatsoever in spite of Bush/Cheney's claims to the contrary. McCain is the latest Bush supporter to make claims so outrageously wrong that even he has had to retreat from them. Of course it is safe to walk around in Bagdad and visit a market - if you have an entourage of a hundred armed soldiers, three armed helicopters, and a couple of other gunships. It also helps to have the market rendered safe before you arrive. How is it that McCain kept insisting on his ridiculous claim? What is wrong with these people? This perverse insistence on something that is so clearly false is no doubt the kind of behavior that sometimes gets a spouse killed. When the level of frustration reaches a certain point it seems the only recourse is some form of truly dramatic action. I guess the Democrats and the American public in general are not sufficiently frustrated by this as yet to erupt in some serious act - like impeachment, for example, or perhaps something even more dramatic. Are we just going to keep on putting up with one outrageous lying claim after another? Are Bush/Cheney/McCain simply delusional and actually believe what they say? Or is the case that things are so bad, and they are dug in so deeply, they just have no alternative but to go on sticking to their outrageous claims?

Speaking of outrage, there are people right here in windy city who want Dick the Slimy to run for President! I have no idea who these people may be (as I have not spent much time lately visiting insane asylums). Dick Cheney for President! Dick Cheney who has been wrong about EVERYTHING from the very beginning of this disaster in Iraq. The Dick Cheney from above who is so obviously divorced from reality he can maintain with a sort of straight face (he unfortunately doesn't have a straight face) that black is white, that Osama and Sadam were allies, that the sun revolves around the earth, that oil had nothing to do with it, and etc. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't claim before long that Sadam and Osama were gay lovers.

If Republicans do not turn on Bush/Cheney and force them out of office or impeach them soon I believe we can look forward to the complete demise of the Republican party for many years to come. It couldn't happen to a better bunch of crooks and war criminals.

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