Sunday, April 22, 2007

I am a bubble boy?

I guess I must live in some kind of bubble. Until this morning it would never have occurred to me there would be anyone, anywhere, that would not want to see Bush/Cheney impeached. Apparently there are. How can this be? I need to reconsider. Let's see: Bush/Cheney deliberately lied to Congress and the American people about the reasons for going to "war" against Iraq. They then attacked a sovereign nation that was no threat to us. They used illegal weapons such as white phosphorous and cluster bombs, as well as others. They bombed innocent civilians. They instituted torture and secret renditions. They hid people from the Red Cross. They have engaged in the most blatant war profiteering. There is more. In any case all of these things are war crimes. They are obvious war crimes, not just something I have made up. All of this horror and slaughter was carried out with the goal of gaining control of their resources - namely, oil.

Here at home they have lied to Congress, illegally spied on us, recklessly spent us into unbelievable debt, ignored the constitution, and attempted to install a dictator rather than a President, using any underhanded, illegal, and despicable means they could employ. They have carried incompetence to lengths heretofore not seen through their deliberate policy of appointing only "loyal Bushies" instead of fully qualified people. I'm sure I have missed other things that should be impeachable.

Is there anyone who disputes this? Is there anyone who can show in any way that at least one or more of these violations are not clearly impeachable offenses? Or is it the case that only sex between consulting adults is impeachable? It is completely and totally beyond my comprehension that Bush/Cheney and their cronies should not be held accountable for their crimes. I can understand arguments that say impeachment is just not practical at the moment, or that it would take too much time, or that it might have unwantaed political fallout, or whatever. I do not believe any of this but at least I can kind of understand it. I cannot understand how anyone could possibly believe that Bush/Cheney do not deserve impeachment, or worse. Am I really just living in a bubble?

Alberto Gonzales is little more than a bad joke. He should never have been confirmed as Attorney General in the first place. Wolfowitz is even more of a bad joke. He should be made to listen to himself on attacking Iraq 24 hours a day for life. It is turning out to be the case that the entire Bush/Cheney administration is little more than a bad joke. The joke's on us. Hahahahaha. Not to worry, we're surging to oblivion and the rapture will be here soon enough. Our cowardly Democrats will see to it.

1 comment:

Bubblehead said...

Yes, you are. I still like reading what you have to say, though.