Sunday, April 15, 2007

Evil vs incompetent

Bubblehead: I can always rely on you to keep me on the straight and narrow. If space has no "edge" then I guess it would be even further than I thought.

I heard some time ago that one of these "camps" was being constructed somewhere in the Okanaugan (sp?). Of course I don't know if that is true or not. How can you tell anymore what is true and what is not? If they are not yet built, and if they are to be built, you can be sure that KBR will be in for their cost plus largesse.

I don't know. Hundreds of thousands of innocents killed. Some 3600 American troops dead. Thousands badly injured. Attacking a country that was no threat to us. Torture. Renditions. Lies. War crimes. All for a phony "war" that didn't need to be. Sounds pretty damn evil to me. Of course it could easily be both incompetent and evil. How much Iraqi oil do you think we might have bought for half a trillion dollars?

Can you believe that Government lawyers are actually trying to argue that Bush/Cheney have the right to remove anyone in the audience that does not share their point of view? First question: how did anyone that didn't share their point of view get in there to begin with (must have been poor security). Second question: how far do you think they will get with such an absurd argument? (Perhaps a long way now that they control what used to be the Department of Justice). Third question: will Alberto Gonzales survive after tuesday? Fourth question: Will Wolfowitz survive? Fifth question: Will Bush/Cheney survive? Sixth question: how many scandals does it take to bring down an incompetent and corrupt administration? Answer: just as space has no edge, so in a Republican administration, scandals have no outer limits. They just go on to infinity. Want to bet what those "lost" emails are going to reveal? Will we, the unwashed American public, ever be allowed to learn just how horribly corrupt Washington D.C. really is? Stay tuned, tuesday may be (or at least could be)the start of something big.

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