Saturday, August 12, 2006

Why do they hate us?

Why do they hate us? This question keeps popping up here and there all the time. Might I suggest that those who do not know the answer to this question by now simply have no idea of what has happened over the years with respect to American foreign policy. These must be the same people that continue to support Bush/Cheney no matter what. That is, people who know nothing and apparently make no attempt whatsoever to know anything. They must not read, and apparently do not follow the news very carefully. I guess if they watch anything, or listen to anything, it must be Fox News and Rush Limbaugh. If this is so, then the answer to the question, as Bush keeps telling us, is that they hate our freedom. Now I guess one might excuse the great unwashed know-nothings for asking this ridiculous question over and over again, but what excuse is there for the president of the U.S. to keep repeating this utter nonsense? He is supposedly the head of the most powerful nation on earth. Does he really believe they hate us for our freedom? If so he is the greatest idiot ever to hold office of any kind in the U.S. If he knows better and continues to claim this he is simply evil and deliberately misleading us. I guess a better description of him might well be "The Great Misleader." Although I do believe he is stupid beyond belief for someone holding high office I cannot believe he is so stupid he doesn't know that they hate us for our foreign policy. Surely Cheney, Rumsfeld and Rice have to know the truth. Do they have a conspiracy of silence to keep this widely known truth from Bubble Boy? They go on and on about how they hate us but never, ever, acknowledge the reasons for this hatred. Just like they go on and on about permanent peace in the Middle East without ever mentioning the true "root cause" of the problem. And, at the same time they mouth their nonsense about peace they are trying to start an even greater "war" than they have now (a totally unnecessary "war" they brought on themselves). If anyone would take the trouble to even briefly peruse the history of American foreign policy in the Middle East they would immediately understand the problem. Perhaps if someone started a soap opera or a game show, or a vido game about the history of our foreign policy it might eventually make at least a modest dent in the abysmal ignorance that passes for an informed electorate in the U.S.

Would someone kindly explain to me what the hell an "Islamic Fascist" is? I would love to hear Bush's definition.

Bubblehead: Bush never says or announces anything that is not for political advantage - not even good morning. I suggest he not be allowed to say anything at all for the next couple of years except perhaps "guilty, your honor." Let Cheney, Rumsfeld and Rice do the talking. They never say anything but the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me Satan.

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