Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Whatever happened to reality?

Let's see...A majority of Americans now think the "war" in Iraq was a mistake and we should withdraw the troops as soon as realistically possible. Murtha, speaking for many others as well as himself, says we should withdraw as soon as feasible. A recent poll indicates that a vast majority of the troops in Iraq believe we should leave, some immediately, some after six months, still others after a year. Iraq is in the midst of a Civil War (never mind the BS about being on the "brink" of one). The vast majority of Iraqis believe we should leave as soon as possible. However, Bush/Cheney insist we should "stay the course." Hilary believes we should send more troops. If you can find even the remotest semblance of reality here you are entitled to win the belly-button lint collection contest. Even Buckley acknowledges that the project has failed, as do others who previously were all gung-ho for it. If there is, indeed, any reality here it has to be let's get the hell out of there as fast as possible. As Bush/Cheney and Rumsfeld are living in fantasyland I guess we will "stay the course" unless someone, somewhere, somehow, someway, can convince enough others to insist on forcing them to glimpse reality at last. With Bush's ratings at 34%, Cheney's at a blistering 18%, you would think the time had come for some form of action. But, no, Bush is off to India where tens of thousands of protestors took to the streets against him. He is apparently oblivious to this, just as he seems oblivious to the polls. He seems to cling to the delusion that he is somehow "leading."

Bush has been caught once again in a blatant lie. He was informed that the levees could be breached days before it happened. His answer was to go on another vacation. He was warned before 9/11 there might be an attck on the U.S. His response was to go on vacation. The fact is, his brain has been on vacation since birth. He has lied consistently about everything. In fact, I don't believe he has EVER told the truth. Even now 34% of Americans support him. Funny, I didn't realize that the percentage of deaf, dumb, and blind in America was quite that high.

It appears that our new Supreme Court Justice, Samuel Alito, has written a thank you letter to Dobson, the influential Evangelical moron, thanking him for his help in getting on the Supreme Court. I hope the nitwit Democrats that voted for him are paying attention.

A most interesting development. Ehab Elmaghrady, an Egyptian, who was picked up after 9/11 on no charge other than being a Muslim, and held in jail for about a year, during which time he was seriously abused, was awarded $300,000 dollars by an American court. This is the first time such an award was given for such a thing. What I think makes this so significant is that if it is taken as a precedent there will be hundreds, if not thousands of similar cases in the future. So multiply $300,000 by X and see what you might come up with. Not to worry, just add it to the trillions of dollars we already owe.

It appears that this Dubai deal may be actually waking people up to the fact that foreign companies (and governments) have taken over control of some 80% of our ports. Were you aware that China is in control of both ends of the Panama Canal as well as some of our ports? Do you know that Costco is owned by the Chinese Government? These facts are merely the tip of the iceberg, a result of the idea of "free markets" and globalization. So wake up America! Oh, I forgot, we're lost in Lost. Do you think there will ever be a "Found?"

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