Monday, March 27, 2006

Rove vs Cheney?

A delightful tidbit on Buzzflash today. It appears that Karl Rove is cooperating with Patrick Fitzgerald (remember him, the prosecutor, presumably investigating the Plame affair?) Now, if this is true, and who knows what might or might not be true during these nightmare days, the only conceivable target of their cooperation has to be - you guessed it - Dick the Slimy!

The story, as I understand it, has to do with Rove's attempt to replace Cheney on the Republican ticket. Cheney's ratings are so low Rove apparently thought (thinks) they will be detrimental to Republican chances for winning (the 2004 elections as well as the 2006 elections). He might well be right. In any case, apparently Cheney got wind of Rove's inquiries and was, naturally enough, upset. So there is this obvious animosity between Rove and Cheney.

If Rove is cooperating with Fitzgerald he is doing so to save his own ass. And he is doing so by fingering Cheney as the main culprit in the outing of Valerie Plame.Fitzgerald has a reputation for not giving up until he gets to the top of the problem. I knew, and said from the beginning of the Plame affair, that it would lead to Dick the Slimy (so obvious one could hardly claim even insight). Libby would never have leaked her name and occupation without Cheney's approval.

Donald Rumsfeld continues to be the most egomaniacal, bumbling, and incompetent Secretary of State ever. George W. Bush makes even the most incompetent Presidents ever look like shining lights compared to him. Cheney continues to be probably the most evil person ever to hold office in the United States. Things continue to go well in Iraq. There were further car bombings and murders today and it appears that our troops may have committed further atrocities. But someday, somehow, some future President may see an end to this abominable, obscene, unnecessary, illegal, unconstitutional, unprovoked "war." Even so, the United States will remain an international pariah probably forever. Great job, Bushie!

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