Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Isn't it exciting to know that Bush's ratings have now reached a bare 34%? Of course that is high compared to Tony Blair's 28% and Dick the Slimy's 18%. And isn't it depressing to know that it doesn't seem to matter one iota? Bush flies off to India just as if he is king of everything (even though, truth be told, no one wants him there). Cheney continues his secretive, paranoid ,strange, under the rocks lifestyle, emerging occasionally to speak with a handpicked sympathetic audience (although how he finds anyone sympathetic to him boggles the mind). As I have said previously (and I think cannot be said too often), if either Bush or Cheney had any interest whatsoever in the American public or American democracy they would resign immediately. This pair, sick and sicker, have destroyed our wonderful country all in the interest of their own greedy self-centered Corporate masters. They have murdered and tortured to the point of no return. They have to continue because they have no excuse, no defense, and no way out other than prison or worse. And the Republican party which has continued to protect and defend them is just as guilty as they are. And the same thing goes for the MSM. The problem is, the cancer is so huge by now it is virtually impossible to treat. It has obviously infected many Democrats as well. It is, I fear, very close to terminal. If we continue to let it go untreated we will quite likely all have to pay the very unpleasant consequences.

Interesting that when trying to defend the Dubai takeover of some of our major ports Bush said (I think it was Bush), what's the problem, many countries including China are in charge of our ports? Now aside from the fact that Dubai is an Arab country that happens to own the corporation that is about to take over these ports, and has a very questionable relationship with Osama bin Laden and others, there is a more basic question: why are our ports being managed by foreign companies in the first place? Are there no competent American companies that could do this? If they don't want to do it, why not? As there is virtually no security at our ports to begin with, why take a chance on an Arab country? As only 5% of the millions of containers that enter our ports are examined in any way, perhaps it doesn't really matter who manages them? What the hell, everyone deserves to make a buck. Sleep well in the knowledge that Bush/Cheney are looking after you.

Bush and Cheney Torture Daily.

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