Saturday, February 25, 2006

The farce continues

How is it that Bush continues to be a super-duper fundraiser even though his approval ratings are dismal? Actually, a dumb question. As he continues to do his work solely for the filthy rich and the corporations they continue to support him. Do you really believe they care what we peasants think of him? As long as he does their bidding they are going to support him. And after all, what's a million or two to corporations or billionaires? If you haven't already got it, there is a war going on between corporate power and the rest of us. They are winning. This marriage of corporations to government is called fascism (ask Mussolini).

As a way for Bush to save face over the ridiculous Port security issue the Republican leaders (Frist, et al) are suggesting a new 45 day review of the deal. As it has already been vetted by the Republican controlled committee that does such things, what do you think they are going to find? Why, I bet they find that it is perfectly fine for a Dubai owned corporation to manage our ports. Surprise!

Will it interest you to learn that Dubai has at least an eight billion dollar investment in the Carlyle Group? You know, I hope, that the Bush's are prime movers of the Carlyle Group. But I guess that wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that Bush has threatened his first veto ever if anyone tries to interfere with the port deal. Naw, of course not.

It will not surprise you to learn that Arabs are exceedingly scornful of Condi Rice's hypocrisy when it comes to democracy in the Middle East. They observe, rightfully, that Hamas won the Palestinian election fair and square, but the U.S. and Israel, predictably, won't accept the outcome.

Ted Koppel, who is far better known and infinitely more influential than yours truly, has finally come right out and said what I have been saying all along. The "war" in Iraq is about oil. We need to control the oil in the Middle East or probably suffer the mother of all recessions. As we are totally dependent upon oil we cannot in the foreseeable future not have control over it. And, as China, Japan, India, and Europe also need it in ever growing quantities we have to have control over oil or lose out. Simple, yes? So why do people go on pretending that this is not so, that we really started this illegal, unconstitutional, and immoral "war" in order to spread democracy or some other such nonsense? And why do they go on pretending that we are going to bring the troops home? Do they mean home from the four enormous permanent bases we are constructing in Iraq? I guess we can't admit that we are a rogue and criminal nation intent on plundering that which rightly belongs to others, and that we are willing to kill and torture to that end. We could have bought the oil. The Iraqis were not going to just hoard it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is a real pleasure to read this intelligent blog. I couldn't agree with you more, and am so at my wit's end with Bush/Cheney that if I didn't take the time to scream in the bathroom twice a day, I'd hang myself.

Are you politically active? I know it might feel futile, but one has to do something with the outrage.
Eva Grecius