Friday, February 24, 2006


William F. Buckley, the conservative's conservative, has now stated publicly that the "American objective" in Iraq can be said to be a failure. He does not tell us what the American objective actually was but I guess whatever it was it must be a failure. Well, perhaps not so fast, we did remove Sadam Hussein from power, but the result of that seems to have made things worse than they were before we did so. I guess you could consider even this a failure. Of course we failed to gain control over their oil (at least so far), we certainly are not doing well spreading democracy in the Middle East (not that anyone seriously believed that is what we were doing), and it remains to be seen if we can maintain a permanent presence in that unfortunate country. We certainly didn't capture the WMD's that were not there in the first place. It is now being said that Iraq is teetering on the brink of Civil War. Tee hee, teetering, get that? As Sunnis have been murdering Shiites for weeks and vice versa, and as Kurds have also been fighting with Sunnis off and on, and are busily taking over the northern oil fields, one might say they are already engaged in a Civil War. Let's face it, Buckley is right, Iraq is a total disaster, thanks to Bush/Cheney and their insane neocon troops.

The University of Indiana apparently paid Ann Coulter to give a speech. As must have been expected it was quite controversial. Why anyone, let alone a University, would pay such a completely vicious and nothing but venomous person to give a speech is beyond my comprehension. Coulter is to the lecture circuit as Professional wrestlers are to wrestling.

There is a fund to pay for Libby's defense. It has some two million dollars in it. What I want to know is, do the contributors believe he is innocent? Or do they just not care?

My antiquated computer seems to be slowly dying.

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