Monday, September 26, 2005

What would he have to do?

What, I ask you, would Bush have to do in order for the American public to simply insist that he be removed from office? He and Cheney obviously lied to Congress and the American public in order to begin an absolutely illegal and unnecessary "war." A "war" in which almost 2000 American troops have been killed and thousands upon thousands of innocent Iraqis also killed. This is to say nothing of the further thousands injured and maimed for life.

He has virtually destroyed the economic stability of the United States. He entered office with an enormous surplus and in a short time converted it into the largest national debt ever. There are more people living in poverty now in the U.S. than when he came into office. There are more people without medical insurance than when he came into office. There are more unemployed.

He has destroyed America's reputation around the world. We are now despised by most of the world and considered to be more dangerous than Osama bin Laden. Even our traditional allies are coming to despise us.

He converted FEMA from an efficient and useful entity into a holding tank for political appointees with no expertise whatsoever. The Homeland Security business has been a dismal failure. The response to Hurricane Katrina was a total disaster for which Bush is almost entirely to blame.

Bush/Cheney have seen to it that enormous no-bid contracts to reconstruct New Orleans have gone to their usual buddies at Halliburton. They changed the law so that workers on construction efforts do not have to be paid decent wages, further enhancing the profits of Hallibuton and others.

Now they are suggesting that a trillion dollars worth of cuts be made in various necessary and indispensable services such as medicare, education, infrastructure, and others in order to pay for rebuilding New Orleans. They are not suggesting that tax cuts for the obscenely wealthy might be rescinded and they have apparently not given up on trying to eliminate the estate tax or making the original tax cuts permanent.

Now Bush is suggesting that the military be put in charge of disaster relief, violating for the first time the time-honored rule keeping the military out of domestic matters. This is extremely dangerous business, especially with an all volunteer army. On top of that they used highly paid mercenaries to patrol in New Orleans. And there was also an attempt to take away guns from perfectly respectable and ordinary citizens. What do you think all of this adds up to? FASCISM comes to my mind.

Make no mistake about it. This country is in deep trouble. And the only way out, the only hope, is to get rid of the Bush/Cheney administration as quickly as possible, before the damage becomes irreparable (it may already be virtually irreparable). Even this would not be enough because the Democrats for the most part are equally guilty. They, too, need to go, and be replaced by genuine Democrats that will not just go along with whatever Republicans want. The Democratic leadership is every bit as bad and corrupt as Bush/Cheney, and warmongers to boot. We absolutely do not need Hillary, Kerry, Lieberman, Biden, Pelosi, Feingold, or others who are nothing but Republicans in disguise.

The only Democratic person I can think of at the moment who might actually be a viable candidate is Al Gore, who should have been our President in the first place. The moment might be ripe to undo a terrible wrong. Does anyone believe that if Gore had been President we would be in the untenable and horrible situation we are now faced with? If so, it is past time to wake up.

1 comment:

Watch 'n Wait said...

Have you given thought to Wes Clark? Or perhaps John Edwards, in addition to Gore? Bill Richardson? Barbara Boxer? Just curious.