Thursday, September 01, 2005

Lake George

Apparently the EPA workers in New Orleans have dubbed the huge body of water that used to be New Orleans, Lake George, in honor of who created it. Fitting, no? Bush refused to fund the maintenance and improvement of the levees, using the money instead to fund his "war" in Iraq. He also sent some 35% of the Louisiana National Guard to Iraq, ignoring the obvious need for them at home in case of a national disaster. And it was well known for years that New Orleans might be subjected to a massive hurricane that could easily destroy the entire coast. This also says nothing of the abuses made of the delta between the city and the ocean which could have protected the city (in all fairness this was not all the fault of Bush). Bush didn't seem to be overly concerned about the tragedy in New Orleans. At least it didn't keep him from his speech in San Diego. And it didn't keep him from lingering a couple of days before commenting on the disaster. Condi, of course, was off buying thousands of dollars worth of shoes and taking in a play. God knows where Cheney and Rumsfeld were or what they were doing. What a fine bunch.

Now again the subject of the Abu Ghraib photos has come up. A new judge has said he can't make up his mind yet as to whether or not they should be made public. The reason for this indecision is because one of the Generals has suggested that releasing the photos might well aid in the recruitment of terrorists and otherwise inflame the situation in the Middle East. As I have suggested previously, this raises a truly interesting question. I have no doubt that releasing the photos would, in fact, inflame the Middle East and aid in recruiting more and more terrorists. But what does that tell you about the behavior of U.S. troops? They have apparently committed acts of torture so egregious, so horrible, so beyond the pale, so absolutely awful that they should not see the light of day. Doesn't that make you proud to be an American? This situation is so pathetically awful it makes you just want to crawl away and hide somewhere until the nightmare is over.

Now it turns out the U.S. has offered the Sunnis 75 million dollars if they will sign the constitution. What does that tell you about the Democratically inspired Iraqi constitution? How much longer can this charade continue? It is perfectly obvious that even if they did sign the constitution it will remain utterly meaningless, an American imposed quick solution to a centures old problem that may well be unsolvable in the first place. I guess if Bush could get them to sign it might help him to at least termporarily "save face." But I can tell you that history will not allow him to save face. Bush is the worst President in our history. Even worse than that if that were possible. His total incompetence knows no bounds. But not to worry, the toady MSM will continue to support him just as their Corporate masters demand. This administration is sick, sick, sick, and anyone who still supports it is even sicker. We are being ruled by a cabal of right wing lunatics. Everyone in the world knows it, except, I guess, the absolutely loony fundamentalists looking forward to the rapture. If God punishes sinners Katrina is only the beginning.

Happy days you absolute cretins. Kill more "towel-heads" for Christ. Don't spare the women and children. In the words of one of our famous Indian fighter generals, "nits make lice." Ah, America. You did right in WWII but never again.

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