Friday, September 09, 2005

Beyond Hope

Here in North Idaho there is a small community called Hope. Somewhat pretensiously there is also an East Hope. A little further to the east is an area called Beyond Hope. This is what I think of when I see any reference to the Bush/Cheny administration. They are clearly beyond hope. There is no hope they will ever change from the evil, greedy, short-sighted, mean-spirited, uncaring, racist, self-centered, corporate sponsored collection of thieves they actually are. What they have done in Iraq and now in New Orleans is not only unconscionable but totally unforgiveable. To make matters worse they have now decreed that the American public should not even be allowed to see the extent of their crimes. Someone said the First Amendment died with New Orleans. It is. By what authority can they deny American citizens the right to know what is actually happening in their country? For all intents and purposes they have declared martial law and are being allowed to get away with it. They don't want us to see the corpses, the physical evidence of their terrible incompetence. They don't want us to know the full extent of their crimes against humanity. They apparently want to go on just killing and killing and killing until what? What on earth do they think is going to result from this madness? Certainly not a better world. They don't care. This Bush/Cheney administration cares nothing for either the country or its citizens. They only care about profits. Democrats are apparently no better. They all get their money and power from the same corporate sponsors, the people be damned. We simply have to say no to Hilary, no to McCain, no to Lieberman, no to Santorum, no to DeLay, no to further warmongering, murder, war profiteering, torture, and yes to getting the hell out of Iraq as soon as possible with the most abject apologies we can muster. And we must hold those responsible for these war and other crimes responsible. And don't give me any crap about aiding and abetting the enemy. It is this criminal administration that is aiding the enemy, creating terrorists day by day, destroying whatever credibility is left of the "American way," leading us further and further into the cesspool of history. There is absolutely no doubt where the blame for our unbelievable arrogance and stupidity lies, the Bush/Cheney administration and its neocon core. This is the cancer that is eating at our society, corrupting our politics and culture, leading us inevitably to failure and damnation. Can't we beg our corporate masters for something at least a tad more gentle, like maybe a slight increase in the minimum wage, perhaps a bit of health insurance, maybe some fresh air, clean water, a few trees here and there, freedom to go to the library without being spied upon, basic stuff like that? Perhaps, as in the case of New Orleans, the right to live at all? It is long past time to put up with this Fascist attempt to destroy our country.

"The principles of a free constitution are irrevocably lost, when the legislative power is nominated by the executive."
Edward Gibbon

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