Sunday, September 18, 2005

How about a new word?

Most, if not all of those who sometimes read this blog are probably unfamiliar with the name Vidkun Quisling. He was a Norwegian traitor who collaborated with the Nazis in Norway and became part of a puppet Norwegian government. Thus a new word was added to the English language - quisling. I suggest we add another new word to our language:

roviate v. to smear, slime, malign, denigrate, and attempt to destroy an opponent through the use of innuendo, rumor, slander, outright lies and any other despicable means available. Roviation works more effectively when done in collusion with major media.

There have been many examples of rovianating in recent years. Consider, for example, the cases of Al Gore, John McCain, John Kerry, Howard Dean, Joseph Wilson, and now Cindy Sheehan. There are others as well. In each case the most blatant lies and other means were used to utterly destroy the individuals involved. Remember the Swift Boat Veterans for (un)truths? How about McCain's black child? Or maybe his imprisonment for five years affected his mind? Now they are attempting to rovianate environmentalists (who are accused of being responsible for the disaster in New Orleans). This is the standard operating procedure of the Republican party designed and carried out by Karl Rove. I think rovianate should take its place along with quisling, thus making both individuals famous for becoming part of the English language while at the same time making them forever infamous and despised for what they actually did.

Confusion continues in New Orleans. The mayor insists that 180,000 people can return immediately to the city while the EPA and others say it is too dangerous for anyone to return. It is nice to know that someone is actually in charge of this terrible disaster. Perhaps George W. Bush should speak to God about it. Why do I have the sense that George W. Bush doesn't really care about New Orleans or its people aside from what it has to do with his poll ratings? Maybe because of his repeated photo-ops that portray him as a do-something guy but then the sets disappear immediately after the moment. If it is not apparent by now that this is the greatest phony image of all time we should start marketing the Brooklyn Bridge again. Apparently some 30 to 35% of Americans are so divorced from reality (along with Bush himself) there is nothing that can be done about it. I notice there are letters to the editor of our local rag suggesting that poor Bush is being unfairly criticized by "Bush-bashers" when of course he has no control over nature. I guess he also had no control over the budget which repeatedly slashed funds for flood control in New Orleans and also no control over the absolute incompetents he appointed as heads of Homeland Security and FEMA? No, Bush has no responsibility whatsoever. It was all Bill Clinton's fault. Or the mayor's or the governor's, or the people themselves for being too stupid to abandon the city in their Cadilacs and Humvees, to say nothing of their Mercedes and Jaguars. It's not all bad. The alligators and rats had a feast day. Look on the bright side.

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