Friday, July 01, 2005

What do you mean "if"

According to a Zogby poll, 42% of Americans believe Bush should be impeached if he lied about taking us to "war" against Iraq. So, what's with the "if." Of course he lied. It's perfectly obvious that he lied. There is actual physical evidence that he lied. Everyone with a brain larger than half a pea knows that he lied. So what's with the 58% of the population that doesn't seem to think about this at all? Bush/Cheney lied. They have lied repeatedly, along with Rumsfeld and all the rest of the neocons. Indeed, have they ever told the truth about anything? Not that I am aware of. Not only have they persistently and consistently lied they clearly should be impeached. So what are we waiting for? I guess we are waiting for some honorable Congresspersons and Senators. Don't hold your breath.

Bush says he could not honor the Kyoto treaty because it would harm the American economy. I guess this means that the American economy is more important than the planet. I mean, come on, you can't try to deal with this enormous problem of potentially disastrous climate change because it might damage the economy? If he doesn't think global warming is going to damage the economy does he actually think at all? Of course we all know the answer to that. He doesn't think. Doesn't read. Doesn't empathize. Doesn't doubt. Doesn't make mistakes. Doesn't seem to share any human values whatsoever. He was good at blowing up frogs, mocking a woman pleading for her life, dodging Vietnam, failing at everything he has attempted, especially the Presidency. Our Congressman, Butch Otter, actually used the word honorably and Bush on the same page once. I ask you, when has George W. Bush ever acting honorably. Give me one example. I don't believe he is purposely evil - he is too stupid for that. He just does the bidding of the most evil creature on earth, Dick the Slimy Cheney, who lurks underground and lives in a separate reality entirely. He surfaces occasionally to tell even greater lies. He must have a staff that makes them up as it seems no one individual would be capable of such absolutely ridiculous lies. Has he ever been right about anything having to do with Iraq? The answer is clearly no. Has Rumsfeld? The answer is no. Has Rice? The answer is no. Wolfowitx? No. Perle? No. And on and on. But they continue leading us further and further into the heart of total disaster. We just watch reality TV and think about sex. If we don't change very soon we're all going down with the ship of state.


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