Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Republican meltdown?

Blair said yesterday there was no relation between Iraq and the London bombings. If he actually believes that, which I seriously doubt, he is more divorced from reality than Bush (if that is even possible).

Bush's nickname for Rove is apparently "turd blossom." Isn't that cute? Perhaps not as cute as "Pootie-poot."

It seems to be commonly believed that the Democratic party is seriously disorganized, without a clear vision, powerless, confused, as well as divided. I believe that is probably true. It would help if the DLC would give up pretending they are Democrats and just formally join the Republicans. The DNC might then be able to pull itself together and possibly come up with something useful (other than just blindly supporting Israel and the occupation of Iraq).

However demoralized the Democrats may be it seem to me the Republicans have a much greater problem. They are confronted with a situation that is far worse than anything Democrats have to worry about. That is, they can either continue to support Bush/Cheney and the neocons, which will clearly destroy their party for years to come, as Fascism is the only logical outcome of this kind of support and must inevitably fail, or they can cleanse themselves of the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Perle/Wolfowitz/Rice/neocon delusions of empire and try to re-establish themselves as a credible and worthy party. Neither outcome is desirable from the point of view of the Republican party but they have brought it on themselves. If Republicans believe, as Bush/Cheney seem to believe, that the U.S. economy is more important than the planet itself, if they continue to deny global warming, block stem cell research, pump money into fundamentalist churches, try to do away with legal abortion, and even the morning after pill, keep insisting on tax breaks for the obscenely wealthy, ignore health care, etc., they are doomed to oblivion. If they give up on these absolutely wrong-headed issues they will lose the support of much of their base and thereby lose the power they now have (and it will probably be a very long time before they can make amends for the terrible destruction they have wrought both at home and around the world).

The only way they will be able to stay in power now is by fixing the coming elections as they have fixed the last two. But that involves nothing less than more Fascist tactics that will eventually bring them down (it may take a while but it is inevitable). Bush/Cheney and their ilk are international war criminals. The whole world knows it. The U.S. will have no credibility in world affairs unless they are held accountable for their intolerable behavior. And even if they are, it will still be a very long time before the U.S. will recover from what they have done. If there are any honest, honorable Republicans (which I have to doubt) they will do something about this cancer in their party they have neglected too long. If they refuse to act it will surely destroy them.

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