Sunday, July 10, 2005


You must have all at some point been involved in a situtation where words simply fail to have any further use. No matter what you say you cannot get any satisfaction at all. This is something like the frustration-aggression hypothesis. If you become frustrated enough you tend to turn to aggression. I think a large portion of the American electorate may be reaching that point.

It has now been pointed out over and over again that the Bush/Cheney administration lied repeatedly to start an illegal, unconstitutional, immoral and unnecessary "war" against a basically helpless country that was not threat to the U.S. But nothing happens. Bush goes around the world acting what he seems to believe is presidential, mouthing the same utter nonsense over and over again, and no one seems to even question it, at least not to his face.

It is almost certainly the case that Karl Rove "outed" Valerie Plame. If not Rove then certainly someone in the White House. Bush said that if anyone in his administration leaked they would certainly be "taken care of." But of course Bush has done nothing whatsoever along these lines.

A known male homosexual prostitute with no Press credentials or experience was repeatedly given Press passes and lobbed soft questions whenever the need arose. Not only that, he was given passes over thirty times to the White House when there were no Press Conferences. So who arranged this? What was he doing there? Who was he with? What was the purpose of his visits? Why was this allowed to happen? This subject has simply disappeared, apparently completely. It seems that no one even asks about it any more.

This is the kind of thing that happens over and over with this administration. They just simply ignore their scandals knowing that the attention span of the American public is very short indeed. They tell one outrageous lie after another - so many lies that no one even expects the truth anymore. And nothing happens. Nothing.

Then there is the DeLay thing. And the Bolton thing. And now there will be the Supreme Court thing. Overriding all else but apparently a taboo subject is the Israeli treatment of the Palestinians. Nothing happens even though the Israelis have defied the U.N. from the very beginning and continue to so so today. They also defy the Bush administration with no fear whatsoever. It is just ignored except for a few meaningless words about it now and then.

Bush is quick to comment on the barbarity of others, totally ignoring his own unbelievable savagery vis-a-vis Iraq and Afghanistan. What he says of others is precisely what can be said about his own behavior. Nothing happens. He takes great pride in his criminal acts. Nothing happens. Cheney says things totally divorced from reality. Nothing happens. Rumsfeld has been a total disaster as Secretary of Defense and should have been fired or resigned long ago. Nothing happens. Bremer was a total failure in Iraq. Something happened there. He was rewarded, along with Tenent and others who all screwed up monumentally. Nothing happens about any of this either.

If this is not frustrating it is not clear to me what would be. How much longer will people put up with this? Is there nothing that can be done to put a stop to this absolutely outrageous behavior on the part of Republicans? Have they actually succeeded in establishing their one party fascist state? Are there no honorable Americans left?

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