Monday, May 30, 2005

The Tragedy of Al Gore

Al Gore was almost certainly the most qualified candidate ever to run for President of the United States. George W. Bush was quite likely the least qualified candidate ever. So what happened? It is perfectly clear. The major media, acting as an arm of the Bush Republicans, decided to savage Mr. Gore. And savage him they did, making him appear to be dishonest, poorly dressed, guilty of association with Bill Clinton, a foolish braggard, a flip-flopper, illegal fund raiser, and everything else they could come up with to defeat him. This has to have been one of the most shameful performances by the so-called fourth estate ever in the history of our country.

Think about it. Does anyone, even the most rabid right wing lunatics, honestly believe that if Gore had been elected we would be in the incredible mess we are now in? Would he have illegally, immorally, and unconstitutionally gone to "war" against Iraq, a country that was known to have nothing to do with 9/11? Would he have allowed himself and his administration to become blatant war criminals? Would he have converted an enormous budget surplus into the largest national debt ever? Would he have presided over a vanishing middle class in the United States? Destroyed the environment? Of course not. None of these things would have happened if the major news media, acting in concert with the Bush fascists, had not done what they could to keep him from rightfully being elected (with some help, of course, from an utterly illegal and dishonest Supreme Court).

I personally believe Mr. Gore would have been quite a distinguished President. But no matter how bad he might have been there is no way he could possibly have been as vile, dishonest, irresponsible, secretive, and criminal as the present administration. NO WAY!

Now we have Dick the Slimy (I need a new nickname as slimy does not even come close to describing how vile this evil bastard is) saying we can't take Amnesty International seriously because, of course, the U.S. would never have treated anyone badly. Is he absoluely insane, impossibly stupid, totally out of touch, rabid, or just plain the personification of evil? I know it won't happen, but I would hope to live long enough to see him tried as the war criminal he obviously is. Along with the rest of his political mafia.

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