Thursday, May 05, 2005

Babble on

There is now incontrovertible evidence that Bush and Blair conspired not only to attack a defenseless Iraq but also to have the intelligence "fixed" to support such an endeavor. A leaked memo in Britain makes this entirely clear. Prior to 9/11 Bush decided to go to "war" against Sadam Hussein and the Intelligence Community went along with the necessity to make a case for it in spite of the obvious problem that the rationale was "thin." Blair was advised of this but went ahead anyway and of course Bush had to have known what was going on. If this is not an impeachable offence I don't know what would be. In England this is front page news and people are outraged. What have you seen about it in the Major American Media? Nothing, that's what. It's like it's just an English problem. Make no mistake, the media in the United States is in the hands of our corporate masters, and they are not about to fulfill what should be their democratic and nonpartisan duty. A viable and healthy democracy demands an informed public. We absolutely no longer have one.

Similarly, what have you seen in the Media about the Gannon/Guckert scandal? What do you think would have happened if a known prostitute (in this case a male), pretending to be a Reporter, was admitted to the Clinton White House 200 times, 39 of those times when there was not even a Press Conference scheduled? There would have been screaming headlines for days on end, non stop investigations, speculations, opinions, criticisms, and what have you. But what do we see in the Media? Nothing. This is potentially a scandal that makes Monicagate look like a non-event. But again, the Corporate media is silent.

In the meanwhile Rove has apparently instructed the moron-in-charge to babble on about Social Security, and keep on babbling, while they manage to pass the gift to banks and credit card companies, the gift to the Oil Companies legislation, the gift to the logging industry legislation, the slashing Medicare and Medicaid legislation, the cutting the food stamps legislation, the screw the veterans legislation, and etc. This is really a fine bunch of absolute crooks and thugs. Make sure we keep on worrying about a fixable problem 35 years from now so we don't concern ourselves with the more immediate problems like health care, the obscene national debt, the shaky economy, unemployment, outsourcing American jobs, the pending environmental disasters, global warming, the disaster they have created in Iraq, and more and more and more. This is the most evil, incompetent, greedy, short-sighted, and utterly disgusting Administration in American history.

Unless something happens soon to stop them the best you can hope for is the Rapture. Oh, happy days!

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