Thursday, May 19, 2005


I don't think it is any secret that there is widespread anti-intellectualism in the United States. It has long been so. This can be seen in various expressions that are common in the U.S. For example, "them as can't do, teach." Or how about "pointy-headed intellectuals," or "Northeastern perfessors who don't know nothing about the real world," and so on.

Locally we see this every morning at one of our truck stop restaurants where several of the local "inellectuals" meet over coffee. If you go there for breakfast you cannot escape hearing them carrying on about world affairs. Apparently they believe that if you listen to Rush Limbaugh everyday and have manure on your shoes this makes you an expert on politics and world affairs. It is pretty obvious they don't read, and if they watch the news it is apparently only on Fox. Mostly they just listen to their idol, Rush. In fact, I know personally one of these guys who boasts that he has never, in his entire life, read a whole book. This does not keep him from being exceedingly opinionated about world events. These people know that they know better than them "East Coast Liberals." They seem to believe that people become professors at birth. That is, between birth and their professorships there is no intervening experience. If you are a professor you automatically are considered to be totally ignorant in any practical matters. It would be interesting to know how many professors came from farms or worked in the woods or engaged in other down-to-earth jobs before they actually became professors. But maybe they just have amnesia for these pre-professorial years.

I guess I understand how someone with manure on his shoes and a degree in Limbaugh knows as well as some "perfessor" about foreign affairs and politics. After all, why spend somewhere between four and twelve years studying about foreign affairs when all you have to do is just stay home on the farm and listen to your peers who know even less than you do? And why spend money on public schools that just teach you nonsense like evolution? Manual training and shop ought to be good enough for anyone.

These people actually believe that George W. Bush is one of them. He has a (toy) ranch, he clears brush and uses a chain saw (at least for pictures) and is the kind of guy you'd like to have a beer with. Furthermore he can't speak the English language very well just like the rest of us. He's a regular guy. Not like that stuck up Kerry who can actually speak French! Imagine! French!

Al Gore was quite likely the most qualified person to be President of the United States ever. He was smart, well-informed, knowledgeable about issues that mattered, like the environment, the internet, foreign affairs, etc. His reward was to be absolutely savaged by the Bush/Cheney ass-kissing U.S. press. You want to be president? Pretend to be dumb. Better yet, be dumb. Be borderline retarded but learn to read your lines and pretend to be sincere. You will go far in U.S. politics if you just follow this advice. After all, look at the success of Bush (the worst President of the U.S. ever, hands down, no contest). Of course he does communicate directly with God and he knows what is best for us, his children. I guess that is worth something. He also knows what is best for all the rest of the planet and sends his messenger, the honorable Condaleeza Rice (cheers) to tell the world how to behave. Don't do as we do, do as I (as the representative of his eminence) tell you to do. And please don't laugh at me directly to my face, after all I'm just doing my job for you-know-who (Dick the Slimy, President in hiding).

I don't know about you, but I've had it. I no longer even listen to any Republican. The moment one appears I immediately turn him or her off. As far as I am concerned there is nothing further to discuss. Republicans are scum and the quicker we can be rid of them the better.

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