Sunday, May 15, 2005

The most outrageous lie yet?

Condaleeza Rice actually said when addressing the troops in Iraq, "This war came to us, not the other way around." If this is not the most outrageous lie so far it is hard to imagine what would be. We attacked a sovereign nation that was no threat to us, had nothing whatsoever to do with 9/11, and was in fact so weakened from years of sanctions that it was virtually helpless. And so the war came to us? What on earth is she smoking or snorting or drinking? If there could be any meaning whatsoever to her claim it would have to refer to the attack on the towers on 9/ll. But that had nothing to do with the "war" we are now engaged in in Iraq. Oh, yeah, I forget, it's really a "war on terror," whatever in the world that might mean. There was no terror in Iraq before the "war." There is plenty now. She is the most pathetic Secretary of State ever, just wanders around the world telling everyone else what they have to do, like a great paternal uncle, just mindlessly mouthing the Bush line everywhere and accomplishing nothing except further alienating the U.S. from the rest of the world.

Then there is Uzbekistan where apparently they can boil people if they wish. They also can open fire on demonstrators and kill hundreds of them. Can't have any dissent there. The head of Uzbekistan is a great buddy of George W. Bush. Could this have anything to do with oil or a pipeline? Naw, I guess they just like each other - soul mates, so to speak.

On to the Bolton question. It now appears that the opposition to Bolton has little to do with the fact that he is an arrogant bully who lies to the Senate and shapes intelligence however he wishes. Apparently Cheney wants him to kick apart the United Nations over the issues of Iran and North Korea. It also has to do with the fact that he is Cheney's man, and what Cheney wants, Cheney gets. Or is willing to demonstrate his awesome power to prove he can do it. Bush, oh yeah, him. He probably wishes he didn't have to take the heat over Bolton. But after all, what can he do? He's only the President (or is he?).

The coming week may prove to be more than just merely interesting. Let's see how far Frist can get with the so-called "nuclear option." What will develop with Bolton. Will the "smoking gun" memo finally register with the dim bulbs that seem to be in charge of things? Will John Conyers Jr. and his 89 colleagues just be ignored as usual? Ah, these are trying but interesting times.

Angrily orange and red,
the fiery sky
is like an angry woman,
warning silently,
while remaining beautiful.

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