Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Republican loonies

I’m up a little later than usual tonight. I have just witnessed what I believe is the most incredible interview I have ever seen. Mark Roscoe (that’s the way he says it not the way it is spelled) was interviewed on the Daily Show. I cannot begin to describe how utterly fantastic a performance it was. Nor can I remember precisely what was said, except at one point when he actually said “our campaign is so positive…” Jon Stewart looked at him in absolute disbelief and then said “What? Did you not listen to the speeches at the convention?” Roscoe, an ex governor of Montana, who is now the chairman of the Bush re-election campaign, went on to describe the current situation in terms that were so far fetched as to be unbelievable. It was so incredibly absurd that I found myself actually wondering if in fact he was totally mad. At one point he strung together some fifteen or more adjectives describing Bush that confirmed that he was, indeed, totally mad.

This performance even outdid Dick the Slimy’s attack on John Kerry. Cheney, who had five deferments from the draft, because “he had other more important options at the time,” the same Cheney who was behind the illegal attack on Iraq, the same Cheney who as CEO of Halliburton presumably illegally bribed people in Africa, who lied about his continuing ties to Halliburton, who refuses to confess to collusion with the energy companies, who had already divided up the oil spoils they would steal from Iraq, and who apparently runs the U.S. from secret bunkers here and there, actually had the gall to claim that John Kerry was not qualified to be President.

I will not even bother to comment on Bush’s performance before the U.N., a speech met with stony silence that was really a plea for election rather than a statesmanlike report on the actual state of the world. It was pathetic. He does read better from a prepared text than he used to, I guess we might give him credit for that. He clings to his claim that things are going well in Iraq and that they are well on the way to democracy, just as Afghanistan is also. I no longer believe that Republicans are simply evil people who are only interested in holding on to power and money. After today I believe they are all STARK RAVING MAD!

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