Thursday, September 23, 2004

Bush's gut

Well, he’s done it again. Acted on his “gut instincts.” That is to say, Bush has dismissed the report by his multibillion dollar intelligence agency’s report that things are probably going to turn out as a disaster as merely “guessing,” in favor of the opinion of his hand-picked Iraqi puppet Allawi’s assurances that things are going well and there will be elections on time (a claim he cannot possibly predict at the present time). He actually said he knows things will turn out right because Allawi told him so. He actually said this at a press conference in front of a host of reporters, none of whom apparently had the temerity to actually question this utterly ridiculous statement. So much, once again, for our intrepid main stream media.

The Bush/Cheney administration is also saying that they will hold elections in Iraq even if there are portions of the country that will not be able to vote because of too much violence. This is rather like saying the election in the U.S. will go on even though California, New York, and Missouri will not be able to participate. I am certain that those parts of the country that were not involved in the voting will accept the results as definitive, fair, and entirely satisfactory. Are these guys completely nuts or what?

Then there is the $550,000 CBS is being charged to allowing Janet Jackson’s relatively little boobie to be exposed for a nanosecond during the Super Bowl, a glimpse that virtually no one could actually have seen or even cared about in the first place. That will certainly show the networks that they can’t get away with such gross obscenity during prime time television. Television otherwise is such a model of decorum, modesty and good behavior. Are these guys completely nuts of what?

Can you imagine that any of the Bush/Cheney gang have any conscience whatsoever? That they go to bed a night content in their belief that the lives of thousands of innocent people were sacrificed for no reason at all other than greed and a lust for power? Surely they cannot believe that starting an illegal, immoral, and unnecesary “war” was anything other than a naked attempt to establish American hegemony over the rest of the world. As they support dictators in other parts of the world they cannot in good conscience argue that they went to war because Sadam Hussein was a dictator. And as they clearly do not truly believe in democracy, as evidence by their behavior here at home, they cannot seriously believe they are trying to spread democracy abroad. As there were no weapons of mass destruction, and no link between Iraq and the terrorists, there was no rationale for the attack against an innocent and defenseless country. The reasons have become clear, the protection of Israel and oil. Now they are threatening to attack Iran for the same reasons.

Many people who know such things believe this has been the worst foreign policy blunder in the history of the Unites States. Bush/Cheney are proud of it. That should tell us all something about how far we have fallen in the eyes of the rest of the world. This has been the most disgraceful administration in our history.

War Criminals belong in jail - not the White House!

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