Thursday, September 30, 2004

Pathological liars

Having just watched the debate between Kerry and Bush I confess to having been left virtually speechless. I don’t think Kerry did anywhere as well as he might have but he certainly outperformed the stumbling, bumbling Bush. But this is not surprising. How does one defend the indefensible? Bush wants to claim, “I didn’t start this war,” but he did. I guess he is referring to the war on terrorism that, of course, is not a war at all. But he certainly started the war on Iraq. It was clearly a war of his choice. Iraq was not a threat to the U.S. or anyone else. Two thirds of the country was under surveillance from U.S. and British planes, U.N. inspectors were right there on the ground, the country had been reduced to virtually nothing because of the years long sanctions, it was virtually helpless. Interestingly, neither Kerry or Bush spoke to the real reason for the invasion – oil – pure and simply. We wanted to steal their oil. Nor did either of them speak to the basic problem of the Middle East – Israel and the Palestinians.

I confess to not understanding this kid glove approach to the Bush Administration. Why not say it as it is – Bush/Cheney went to a pre-emptive war against a basically helpless sovereign nation because they wanted to steal their oil. That’s it. No amount of other explanations are either necessary or reasonable. Bush clings to his pathetic claim that we did the right thing by invading Iraq. We did not do the right thing! We did, in fact, the wrong thing! Kerry is absolutely right about this – it was he wrong war, at the wrong time, for the wrong reasons, and in the wrong place. But not, of course, if your aim all along was to steal Iraqi oil. But somehow this motive has been swept under the rug.

It is totally amazing how this pathetic pseudo-president can just tell one lie after another for months on end and go unchallenged by the media. Let me say it clearly: GEORGE W. BUSH IS A SERIAL LIAR! DICK CHENEY IS AN EVEN WORSE SERIAL LIAR! I say this with absolutely no fear of contradiction. Both of them, along with the rest of their criminal gang, should be arrested and tried for war crimes. This is not a matter of partisan politics. It is a matter of national pride. This administration has dishonored us and made the United States a criminal nation in the eyes of the international community. We can and must do better.

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