Thursday, September 09, 2004

Did he or didn't he?

Deep in the nearby mountains
the forest creatures
still live in blissful freedom,
unlike we mortals,
unhappily civilized.

Ah, the plot thickens. Did he or didn’t he get preferential treatment to get into the Guard? Seems pretty clear he did. Did he get preferential treatment after he was in the Guard? Looks like he probably did. Did he get his apparent violations “sugar coated.?” Looks like he probably did. Did he try to disobey a direct order from a high-ranking officer? Looks like he did. Did he lie to the Press and the American public about his service? Looks like he probably did? Is this just another rehash of old stories that have already been discredited? Looks like maybe not. Did he get suspended from flying because he refused to take a physical? Looks like he did. Is he an unmitigated liar? Looks like he is. Will he Republicans care? Looks like they won’t. Is he more truthful about his military record than John Kerry? Doesn’t seem so. Are the Swift Boat Veterans for (un)Truth telling the truth? Absolutely not. Has either George W. Bush or Dick Cheney ever told the truth about anything? The answer is NO! I am about to be 75 years old. Have I ever seen an administration as vile, dishonest, and evil as this one? The answer is absolutely not! Am I angry and frustrated by the failure of others to see these totally dishonest, evil, and incompetent creeps as they truly are? You better believe it. I do not believe the polls which I am sure are being rigged by the mass media in favor of Republicans. I still have faith in the good sense of most of the American public. I believe that in an honest election Kerry/Edwards will win hands down. Whether there will be an honest election this year is at the moment in doubt. Make sure you vote and get others to vote as well. This is, indeed, the most important election of your life.

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