Thursday, September 02, 2004

Pathetic Republicans

Pity the poor Republicans. As they have absolutely no positive achievements to run on (unless, of course, you believe that unending tax cuts for the very rich and more corporate welfare are positive achievements), they have no choice but to denigrate their opponents. The unprincipled attacks on John Kerry last night by George the Slimy (who certainly lived up to his nickname) and the (I think possibly demented Zell Miller) were so sleazy, so extreme, so contradictory of how they have spoken of Kerry in the past, to make you wonder if they have totally lost their minds. This is especially true of Miller, who only a few short years ago praised Kerry as an authentic American hero and paragon of virtue. As in the case of John McCain, you can only wonder what it is they have been promised for their dishonesty. The title of a James M. Cain novel, Past all Dishonor, comes to mind.

It was not only what they said that was offensive, it was also the way they said it. There was certainly no compassion, no humor, no sense of fair play, nothing but pure hatred. And why should they hate Kerry? Because he threatens to remove them from their positions of power, power they have consistently abused to favor their corporate interests, Israeli racism and greed, and their insane ideas of empire.

These single-minded neocons have never hesitated to slime and try to remove anyone who presumes to get in their way – John McCain, Max Cleland, and now John Kerry. This says nothing of people like Clark, O’Neil, Wilson, and who knows how many others. Make no mistake about it, these are evil people who want to reduce us to serfdom in the service of corporate interests.
Bush/Cheney - WMD’s

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