Sunday, October 26, 2008

More war crimes?

Today we sent drones into Pakistan, killing a number of people, most likely civilians. We also, for the very first time, sent helicopters into Syria where they killed at least eight people. A U.S. spokesman said they were al Quiada and we did it because Syria was allowing them to stay there and then enter Iraq from Syrian territory. The Syrians say they were innocent civilians. In any case, as neither Pakistan or Syria are a threat to us, I fail to see why these are not war crimes similar to our invasion of Iraq. If this is so, I also fail to see why Bush/Cheney and others responsible for these war crimes should not be arrested and turned over to the Hague. Is it the case that we can now attack with impunity any country we choose? Somewhere (on Buzzflash) it was suggested these attacks were deliberate and meant to bring about an international crisis that would, presumably, help McCain. I have no idea of this is true but I can understand why some people might believe it, based upon what Bush/Cheney have done in the past. If it is true it makes it all the more horrendous, just a few more deaths for Bush/Cheney political purposes. And speaking of Dick the Slimy, what rat hole is he hiding in now, or has he already fled the country for safer foreign lands, leaving the idiot Bush to take the rap?

William Headline, a veteran newsperson who was instrumental in establishing CNN as a credible news source, died from a fall in his home. He was 76. I do not know if he was the source of “Headline News.” People younger than me are dying all over the place. Of course no one actually dies anymore, they merely “pass away.” Why am I still here? I have no idea. Such is growing old.

Now that the idea of free market unfettered capitalism has been shown to be the total disaster it inevitably had to become, and the finger pointing has begun, I can only wonder what the future might bring. Sarah Palin, that economic whiz-kid, has warned us about Obama’s communism, and she even warned us about perhaps adopting Swedish socialism (as if that might be a truly terrible thing). Do you think she knows anything about either communism or Swedish socialism (or pretty much anything at all)? Alan Greenspan is even more amusing, wanting us to believe that he really thought the free market system would actually police itself without regulations. I do not believe even for a moment that Greenspan did not know better. For an economist to believe that would require a naivete beyond belief. But what else can he say now that he helped to create this monstrous financial disaster? You can ignore reality for a time but it inevitably wins. Whatever the future holds, let us hope that we will never return to an unregulated market system. As this trauma is so dramatic and painful I doubt we ever will, just as I doubt that cries of socialism and communism will ever again have the salience they once had, It appears that even racism is losing its power and influence. Here, I think, progress might actually be progressing. Hooray!

trees are barren now
bare limbs stark against the sky
seemingly lifeless
in spring they will recover
not so my embittered heart

Tasers not only don’t work on wild boars, they apparently also don’t work on raccoons (but they work great on little kids and very old ladies)

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