Monday, October 06, 2008


Ninety year old woman foreclosed,
shoots self in chest, recovers,
her mortgage is forgiven.

BAJ: Yes, we have lilacs, many. And the lilac bushes on the farm where I spent my summers so many years ago are still there. They must be about 100 years old, and just as fragrant as ever they were.

I wrote a blog last night but my computer ate it before it was published. I still have no idea how this happened. I am not a computer person.

The stock market fell 800 points today before recovering to lose only 370. You can bet those that brought about the rebound found plenty of bargains to go with their 850 billion gift. Look for plenty more of the same. It seems to me this is a fitting climax to the Bush/Cheney nightmare years.

You know they are desperate when Palin and McCain start bringing up old accusations that have already failed to produce results. And when they admit they are trying to change the subject from economics to character assassination you might think even their base would give up. But, no, I doubt McCain/Palin could do anything, I mean anything at all, that would cause their lunatic supporters to question them. The Obama-Ayers connection they are pushing is not going to fly. And when they start on the Reverend Wright they had better look to their own relationships with various Preachers and Witchdoctors. They apparently believe that the voting public believes in magic (you know, things that once were in contact with one another continue to act at a distance. That is, because Obama met Ayers a couple of times, or knew the Reverend Wright they must think and be the same). What makes this even more ridiculous is that Palin’s husband is identified with a group led by a man who stated how much he hated the U.S. and its institutions. And we know Palin must believe in magic because she had a preacher pray to protect her from witchcraft. I’m afraid the jig is up for them, they’re going down, and it couldn’t happen to a nicer pair. The real skinny on both of them is readily available now on the web and it is not pretty. John McCain is an absolute jerk and Palin is simply Dick the Slimy in drag. Anyway, I don’t want a President who says things like “I betcha,” “darn right,” “doggone,” and claims to be Joe Six Pack. I’ve had it with the retarded speech of Bush and I don’t want some cornball “cracker” in the White House (even as VP). If you haven’t noticed I’m an elitist, sort of. I don’t want a President as dumb as I am. I certainly don’t want a Joe Six Pack as President, especially one who winks at me. I prefer lines like “nattering nabobs of negativism” (without the stealing, of course), or “gazing down the fairways of indifference,” or even “he was born with a silver foot in his mouth.” I like elegance. I’d like someone who can at least speak in complete and intelligible sentences. But I’m not a true elitist, when I am confronted with Daub of beef, Civet of beef, Ragout, or Braised beef, I say balderdash, they’re all just stews.

The great H. L. Mencken once said: “As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.

We already achieved this. I don’t want to see it happen again. It has become obvious that John McCain is not tempermentally suited for the Presidency, as well as going senile, and Palin is far too ignorant and uninformed (to say nothing of just too sleazy). They do make a great pair, however, as both of them are willing to lie in the gutter if that will help them reach their goal. They have dishonored themselves, their party, and the American people. They will soon be merely a footnote to a most unpleasant period of American history.

“Worm or beetle—drought or tempest
--on a farmer’s land may fall,
Each is loaded full o’ruin, but a
mortgage beats ‘em all.

Will Carleton

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