Friday, October 31, 2008


Bubblehead: This is what I originally said:

“While I still believe Obama will win big I confess this makes me nervous. I also worry that Obama may not stay alive until next Tuesday, or there will be another terrorist attack of some kind, or Bush will declare martial law, or the sky will fall. “

I guess if Obama is not assassinated, there is not a terrorist attack, Bush does not declare martial law, or the sky doesn’t fall, I am going to look really foolish. Well, so be it. But I assure you, there is absolutely nothing you (or they) could possibly do now to make me change my opinion of Bush/Cheney. They should be held accountable for their crimes.

Is there anything much going on at the moment in our country that could not adequately be described by the single word – disgraceful?

The fact that our citizens are being forced to stand in line for up to 10 hours in order to vote strikes me as completely disgraceful.

We have launched at least 16 air strikes in Pakistan recently, each one a violation of their airspace and sovereignty. Disgraceful.

We launched an attack on Syria, another sovereign nation that is no threat to us, equally disgraceful.

The McCain/Palin campaign is almost universally considered disgraceful, especially their personal attacks on Obama.

McCain’s purely politically motivated choice of Sarah Palin and disregard for the well-being of our country was disgraceful.

McCain’s utter nonsense and continued bleating about Joe the Plumber is an insult to both the public intelligence and the electoral system. Disgraceful.

The “war” in Iraq and its continuation is disgraceful.

Our treatment of the Palestinians and biased support for Israel is disgraceful.

Our so-called “war” on Afghanistan is not only disgraceful but probably pointless and doomed to fail.

Our “war on drugs” is a complete and utter failure and a disgrace.

Our now mostly forgotten "war on poverty" likewise a failure and a disgrace.

Our failure to provide universal health care has been, and continues to be a disgrace.

Our obscene, bloated, and largely unnecessary defense budget, primarily benefitting the military/industrial/political complex rather than genuine national defense is surely disgraceful.

Our lack of action on global warming is also a disgrace.

Our failure to create a coherent energy plan is similarly a disgrace.

I suppose I could go on, as it appears to me that virtually everything that has been allowed to happen in the past eight years has been a disgrace of one kind or another – think Katrina, our financial system, deregulation, our standing in the community of nations, the deterioration of our military, and on and on. We can thank the Republicans for this (along with some help from their Democratic friends and fellow travelers).

Vote for Obama and hope for the best. Without even hope we are surely doomed.

“Who knows what goes on in the mind of a baboon?”
Gary Metz

Although she was deaf, Mabel Bell bought her new husband, Alexander Graham Bell, a piano, and insisted he play it for her every day.

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