Thursday, October 09, 2008

Insanity at work

Albert Einstein said that insanity was doing the same thing over and over again and expecting to get different results. Is this not precisely what McCain/Palin are currently doing? As soon as they started attacking Obama because of his so-called ties to William Ayers, ex sixties terrorist (when Obama was 8 years old), their polls started down. They keep on attacking Obama for the same thing while their poll numbers continue to go down. Then they increase the attack and the situation gets worse. But, then, perhaps this isn’t insane, given the fact they don’t dare talk about anything else, like the economy, the number one issue for the American people. I think perhaps the real insanity can be found among those who still support McCain and think Palin is a modern day Joan of Arc (instead of Sancho Panza as George Will has called her). So keep up the good work John and Sarah, you’ll be toast soon enough.

The Stock Market went down over 600 points today, putting it in the 8000 range for the first time in five years. It may even go down further. Do you think those guys on Wall Street don’t know how to take advantage of bargains when they arise. Now, in addition to the 850 billion dollars they were given they will reap probably that much or even more now. No wonder they are taking celebratory 400 thousand dollar junkets in hotels with rooms for their dogs, starting at over 500 per night. Makes one wonder how much their own rooms are. Is this a great country, or what?

John McCain has apparently invented fire but won’t share the secret with anyone else. Well, not exactly fire, but at least how to win wars, catch bin Laden, fix social security and the economy. But he won’t reveal how to do this until he is actually elected President. Apparently having taken some flak for not telling Obama to his face he is a terrorist (or at least pals around with terrorists), McCain has now assured his audience that he will do so in the next and last debate. Want to bet he will? I bet he won’t, although he might possibly try it in much gentler terms than the ones he and Sarah are using at the moment. McCain, I fear, is a bully, which is one reason he won’t do it, but the other reason is that he is himself far more vulnerable on his record than Obama. This is even true of the Reverend Wright nonsense. Interestingly, it seems that it has now become common knowledge that the Reverend Wright is anti-American. I don’t believe there is any evidence of this other than the time he said god damn America in the context of our killing innocent civilians. Indeed, if I remember correctly, he served honorably in the armed services and has always been a patriot (patriots sometimes criticize their government for doing bad deeds). When it comes to preachers both McCain and Palin would be on shaky ground criticizing Obama. The same thing will be true if McCain tries to bring up Obama’s ties to Rezco (is that the right name?), as McCain’s ties to Keating and others, especially the battalion of lobbyists that make up his campaign staff are far worse. This has been much of McCain’s problem all along, everything he accuses Obama of he is more guilty of himself. Sarah Palin is in no better shape on this score as she is rapidly being exposed as a true sleaze-ball with ties to domestic terrorists and those who profess genuine hatred toward the U.S. I find it absolutely amazing that these two sewer rats have come as far as they have.

Tomorrow they are supposed to release the results of the troopergate investigation, in spite of the McCain/Palin desperate attempts to keep it from happening. I have no idea what will come of it but I assume it will not be very favorable to Palin or she would not have tried so hard to cover it up. Will it make any difference to the “base?” Of course not. She could eat one of her children and it wouldn’t make any difference.

Lordy, lordy, what troubles we are in for in the next few months and years. Thanks a lot Bush/Cheney. Have we perhaps learned not to elect another moron to the Presidency, and another evil slime-ball to be with him? I hope so, but watching the McCain/Palin base does not fill me with confidence. I know there are many others far worse off than I am at the moment. Somehow I do not find that knowledge to be very helpful. Why should I feel good about the misery of others? I’m not Brafia.

Wouldn’t it be strange to learn that Osama bin Laden is in charge of the Afghanistan drug trade, managing it for the Brafia? You see, this is what eight years of Bush/Cheney have done to my brain. I trust no one, believe no one, suspect everyone, and would put absolutely nothing past these criminals. Nothing!

“They worry one another like mastiffs, scrambling for rank and pay like apes for nuts.”
John Adams

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