Monday, October 20, 2008

Bigotry returns to North Idaho

Practicing his “quick draw”
man shoots himself in
both his leg and foot.

Bigoted mental midget surfaced in Boundary County last night. Someone sprayed a black “N” across the O in an Obama sign. No matter how hard you try you can never get rid of all the lice. Write N, for nutcase. Apparently this kind of thing is going on all over the country, signs being stolen, mutilated, homeowners being threatened for having Obama signs in their yards, Obama supporters being threatened and so on. Someone took an Obama sign from the yard of a Minister and replaced it with a Confederate flag. In North Carolina someone shot a bear cub, draped it with Obama signs, and left it on a campus. Hey, what else can you do when you are politically and morally bankrupt? Can such tactics work? Of course not, but those who engage in them are apparently too stupid to realize it. By the way, Paddy Power, an important bookmaker in Ireland, has already paid off the bets on Obama, 1 Euro for every 9 bet on Obama. He says the race is over. Never underestimate the skills and intelligence of Irish bookmakers.

It appears that with only fourteen days left for campaigning McCain and Palin have decided to go with their absurd claims of Obama’s socialistic (or even communistic) tendencies. Next they will tell us Obama has two heads and a tail and is intimate with the Devil himself. McCain has even suggested that tax breaks for the middle class are welfare. Tax breaks for the obscenely wealthy and huge corporations are different. McCain and Republicans just cannot give up on their belief in “trickle down” economics, no matter how blatantly and how many times that has failed. Mitt Romney today, interviewed by David Gregory, repeated the mantra again – tax breaks for corporations and the wealthy stimulate jobs. This has been shown decisively by now not to work, but they are so socialized into it they just cannot conceive of anything different. Perhaps we should have our own “cultural revolution” and send them all to work in the fields for a while where they could be re-socialized. It would help to solve the immigration problem as well. And, as economic conditions are deteriorating so quickly here in the U.S. we probably won’t be getting many immigrants for a while anyway.

And speaking of such things, were you aware that there is the “real America” and everything else? Sarah Palin has indicated this is so, the real America apparently being small towns and rural as opposed to the not real America of the cities. Others of her ilk, like Michelle Bachmann of Minnesota, believe we are divided into anti-Americans and pro-Americans. Now, how do you like that for bipartisanship and national unity? They are not the only two who apparently believe this crap. We are, though, divided into two Americas, the filthy, greedy rich and the middle class and poor. The discrepancy between these two groups has never been wider or more problematical. McCain and the Republicans would keep it as it is, Obama would try to level it a bit.

In a very general sense there are some genuine absurdities built into our contemporary culture. For example, doesn’t it strike you as absurd that insurance companies should be determining medical procedures and such? Similarly, doesn’t it strike you as absurd that Congress should be determining how drugs should be dispensed and available? Doesn’t it also strike you as absurd that a bunch of mostly older white males should determine what a woman does with her body? We have somehow come to accept these things as if they make sense when, in fact, they are nonsensical. We should have a single-payer universal health care system without the interference of insurance companies. We should leave it up to doctors and their patients to determine what and how many drugs individuals need. And Congress should stay out of the abortion business, along with what goes on in the privacy of our bedrooms.

I have said from the beginning, just as many others have said all along, Palin is not qualified to be President. Now Colin Powell has said it. People do seem to be paying attention as Palin is now believed to be the single worst drag on the McCain campaign and Obama’s lead seems to be increasing everywhere. Let’s get it over with and see if we and our country can recover from these nightmare years of the beginning 21st century.

“Superstition, bigotry and prejudice, ghosts though they are, cling tenaciously to life; they are shades armed with tooth and claw, they must be grappled with unceasingly, for it is a fateful part of human destiny that it is condemned to wage perpetual war against ghosts. A shade is not easily taken by the throat and destroyed.
Victor Hugo

TILT: Do not practice your quick draw with a loaded revolver.

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