Friday, February 08, 2008


The stuff that has been coming out of this Bush/Cheney White House is so completely, unbelievably, incredibly, fantastically, monumentally, stupidly, unprecedentally, unconscionably, ridiculously PREPOSTEROUS, I believe it has caused the entire American population to lose their senses. No one seems able to cope with a story so out of touch with reality it is becoming unrecognizable as such. The latest claim coming out of the White House is that waterboarding is legal and the President can authorize it again if need be. Waterboarding has been known since the Inquisition as torture. Some Japanese were actually executed because they waterboarded Americans during WW II. Everyone on earth knows it is torture and that it is illegal. So how did it become legal? This is where it becomes stranger than fiction. Bush, our sort-of President, took his personal lawyer, Alberto Gonzales, with him to the White House. He then managed to make him Attorney General. As Attorney General this obsequious peasant decided to do what Bush wanted and declared torture, including waterboarding, legal. He also told Bush that the Geneva Convention, banning torture and other things, was simply “quaint” and out-of-touch. Thus Gonzales and his Justice Department ignored International law as well as the law of the United States and told Bush that as President he had unlimited powers and could do as he wished. Bush/Cheney, sadistic monsters that they are, went wild with their new-found (but completely illegal) powers and starting torturing all around the globe. Now that they have been found out they claim that what they did was legal at the time (it isn’t legal again now). Why was it legal? Because Bush’s toadies in the Justice Department declared that it was. And now the argument coming from the current Attorney General is that because the Justice Department had said it was legal, the current Justice Department cannot investigate themselves for doing what they had said was legal. Dizzy yet? So far everyone seems to accept the idea that Gonzales and his henchmen could blissfully do away with all legal precedents just because they wanted to do so. This is a scheme so fantastic it defies science fiction, to say nothing of just plain old common sense. It is so far-fetched that the Bush/Cheney administration can’t even admit that it is/was torture, as that would land them in prison for war crimes. Hence they continue to claim that it isn’t torture (even though the world knows that it is). So far they are getting away with this obvious crime against humanity. I wouldn’t be surprised to see them eventually living in luxury in Paraguay or even Saudi Arabia. Indeed, at the rate this is currently playing out they may well be dead and gone. What is worse, this business over torture is merely the tip of an enormous iceberg of even more preposterous acts perpetrated by this administration, the collective enormity of them so great as to make the nine and a half trillion dollar U.S. debt almost a comprehensible figure.

John Conyer, who has the power to begin impeachment proceedings against Bush/Cheney, but has resisted doing so, now claims he is on the brink of doing it. However, he has said that one must be careful because there would be blowback from the “corporate power structure.” In other words, he’s afraid of the corporations that are running things. I guess it couldn’t be much more blatant and obvious than that. The corporations don’t want Bush/Cheney impeached so our Congressmen are bowing and scraping and doing their bidding. So much for Congressional power. Congressman Wexler is supposedly bringing up his impeachment attempt next week. Let’s see if he gets any farther than Kucinich. With the exception of Wexler, Kucinich, and a few others we have a Congress staffed overwhelmingly by cowards with no interest whatsoever in the public well-being, justice, truth, honor and decency, or anything unrelated to their maintaining their cushy jobs pretending to be important and relevant. We should certainly show them the way out next November, along with the Brafia Senators.

Equally PREPOSTEROUS is Bush’s recent budget. He wants to increase the defense budget by 8% while cutting back on domestic programs like Medicaid. Our defense budget that is larger already than all the rest of the world combined, and already eats up more than half of our annual budge, needs to be increased? Bush/Cheney and the Pentagon are drinking something a lot more powerful than kool-aid, while chuckling over all those billions that just somehow got lost along the way. Remember we have a long way to go before we rest, and more and more wars to start to prove we’re the best. John McCain will lead the way, he knows what’s right and doesn’t care what we say. Iran’ll be next and then the rest, and we’ll all be happy in our polluted nest. Onward Christian soldiers! Save the heathens! Remember the Alamo! Get rich, sleep till noon, and screw ‘em all. We’re Amuricans, and don’t you forget it!

“There is a moment of difficulty and danger at which flattery and falsehood can no longer deceive, and simplicity itself can no longer be misled.”

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