Thursday, February 07, 2008

Believing impossible things

Minneapolis man steals her
purse and cell phone, then
demands to suck her toes.

The latest feeble (but so far successful) attempt to keep Bush from being tried for his war crimes comes from our (apparently totally without principles) Attorney General. He has now said that as the (Bush appointed) Justice Department had said it (waterboarding) was legal at the time they did it, it can not now be investigated as criminal. I guess this is another example of Nixon’s claim that “if the President does it, it can’t be illegal.” What a concept! Let’s see, Bush could have his Justice Department toadies declare that robbing banks at gunpoint is legal, they could then rob all the banks, and they couldn’t be prosecuted because it was legal at the time. Actually, this isn’t far from what they have done, only they’ve done it on such a massive scale it is almost impossible to comprehend. They declared that pre-emptive “wars” were part of the new American foreign policy. They then started a pre-emptive “war” against Iraq. The only people who have benefited from this (war crime) are the massive corporations that have been looting our treasury, and are trying desperately to steal Iraqi oil. What a neat system (if you are an absolutely dishonest, heartless, sadistic, greedy monster with no respect whatsoever for either law or human life). Greed is good. It’s the American way. They want us to believe that all of this is to protect us from terrorists, deliver us from evil, and spread democracy around the globe (preferably by the massive bombing of innocent civilians to reduce any possible casualties to our too-thin and exhausted troops). Dick the Slimy (remember him) has said, Damn right! We’d do it again. Other of these nitwits insist its “been worth it.” I’m still waiting to learn what the “it” is that was worthy of all this murder, arson, plunder, rape, and untold misery for millions. Have we actually gained anything at all from this monumental blunder? If so, kindly explain to me what it is.

Mitt Romney has proven that he really is an astute businessman. Having blown some 15 million of his own money (probably more) on acquiring a few delegates, and having then figured out that realistically he had no chance whatsoever of winning the nomination, he has dropped out (or, rather, suspended his campaign, in hopes that something might happen to McCain). I think he said he might try again next time (I really look forward to another few years of flip-flopping and lying). Of course it’s all that evil Huckabee’s fault. If he had just dropped out as Romney wished, things might have been different. I’m kind of disappointed. I’m so used to chronic lying I think a lying Mormon would have given us some continuity. What I liked the best about Romney’s decision is, that because he loves America so much, he is helping to protect us from “surrendering to terrorists” (by not running for President). What a noble sentiment. We Democrats just can’t wait to wave the white flag and keep us from further war crimes and the senseless slaughter of more innocents. Oh, well, we can’t have everything. And think of what we have gained; a warmongering imperialistic militaristic old guy whose motto seems to be shoot first and ask questions later. As a very substantial majority of Americans are opposed to this “war” and want out, and as McCain is in it for the next 100 years (in addition to the other wars he assures us will happen), he should go far in the election to come. As many Brafia absolutely can’t stand him, I think their strategy is to humor him as a sacrificial animal, wait until the Democratic President finds out it is totally impossible to clean up after Bush in only four years, then criticize him or her for their failure, and attempt to regain the White House (this worked pretty well with Carter). But don’t sell McCain short. As the American public voted twice for Bush (sort of, anyway), there’s no telling what they might do by election day (we might even be in another war by then). Of course we could have had Giuliani, another astute Brafia candidate who blew about 50 millions (I think) of other people’s money and managed to get one (1) delegate. Heck of job, Rudy!

I despise meetings. I attend our local Democratic meetings merely to add bulk (and to eat war wonton soup). As Democrats here are few every body counts. I swear that every meeting I have ever attended is basically the same as the first meeting I attended as a cub scout. They always last from two to four times as long as necessary. The same people usually have to speak, whether they have anything to say or not, people rarely stay on the point, and usually they don’t really know much about what they blather on about. Thank god we don’t have to deal with pipe smokers anymore. You know, those guys who had to stop and clean their pipes while reviewing for themselves whatever stupid remarks they were going to make. We used to waste a lot of time waiting for these guys to clean, fill, and light those smelly things. See, I guess “progress” really is being made.

“There’s no use trying,” she said: “one can’t believe impossible things..”
“I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was your age, I always did it for half-an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”
Lewis Carroll

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