Friday, February 01, 2008

Dare I even ask?

A report out today says that our National Guard is not prepared for an attack on us. It doesn’t specify what kind of attack or by whom, but seems to think it might be nuclear or biological, or chemical, or whatever. I wonder if they mean a huge all-out attack by another country trying to invade the U.S., or if they mean just some run-of-the-mill attack by a handful of terrorists with a suitcase bomb, or what. If they are worried about the former, might I ask just what country do they think is strong enough to actually launch such an attack, especially when we are sitting on enough nuclear bombs to probably bring down the entire universe? And if they mean the latter, how prepared are we supposed to be? If it is a suitcase bomb, or chemicals, or biologicals, will it require the full force of all out National Guardsmen plus our entire military? Or just part of our military?

But what I really want to know is, no matter what kind of attack it may be, why in the world are we not prepared? It’s not as if there haven’t been enough funds for the past few years. Need I remind you that a full 50% or more of our national budget goes for defense? That is one hell of a lot of money. So where does it go if not into preparation for unknown attacks of any kind? We have a national defense budget that exceeds all the rest of the world’s military budgets, and has for some time. That’s not enough for us to be prepared? What have we done, pray tell, with all those billions upon billions, upon billions? Where did they go? Apparently not into preparation.

Not only are we being told that we are not prepared to defend ourselves in spite of this obscene budget, we are also being told that we don’t have enough military. We need more. Like 100,000 more, at least. We have a defense budge that is greater than all the rest of the world combined and we need more? What kind of kool-aid are they serving at the Pentagon and in Washington D.C.? And what kind are we drinking that we haven’t laughed these clowns out of existence? By any standard of common sense or reality this defense business is utterly absurd.

Of course there has been the illegal, unconstitutional, immoral, and unnecessary “war” in Iraq in which we are dropping bombs on civilians as if they are gum drops. And we are firing so many rounds of ammunition we have to import some from Israel (they seem to have plenty, that we no doubt paid for in the first place). We apparently get one hit for every million rounds fired. Then there is our “empire.” We have bases in some 70 different countries around the globe. Why? Why do we need these bases all over the place? All these countries are incapable of defending themselves (why should they when we are doing it for them, except we aren’t really doing anything much there anyway)? Like Germany and South Korea need lots of American troops?

Realistically, does anyone believe we are going to be the victim of a massive attack by another country? An attack in which we will need thousands of tanks and howitzers, and battleships and 5000 pound bombs, nuclear bombs, and all of the other military hardware we seem to build, declare obsolete, build some more, declare obsolete, and so on and on into eternity? The absolutely worst case scenario is that some few terrorists would manage to infiltrate our country and explode a big bomb. Granted this would be tragic, does it really require a defense budget larger than all the rest of the world? Of course not. As I have said before several times, our “defense” budget has very little to do with defense. It has everything to do with putting more and more taxpayer money into the pockets of massive corporations that manufacture all this stuff that we don’t really need. The military/industrial/political complex that we have allowed to take over are ruining our country. They simply can’t get enough. Their massive budgets increase year after year to virtually no purpose whatsoever. So in the meantime we go without health care, schools, infrastructure, accept poverty by millions of our people, and so on. We blow these things up around the world so we can rebuild them for the people that had them in the first place. And in the process we spend billions on research to find ways to be even more destructive of life and property. We are engaged in the most massive fit of madness ever to infect the human species. No amount of misery and bloodshed are enough, we have to constantly strive for more ways to inflict even more on our fellow creatures. Our entire history is written in blood and gore. We are a disgrace to life on the planet earth.

Praise the lord and pass the ammunition.

“Do you not know, my son, with what little understanding the world is ruled?”
Julius III

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