Sunday, July 08, 2007

The idiotic accompanied by the absurd

I am waiting and hoping that this coming week will become "the week that was." The week when we finally began seriously to rid the country of these despicable Republican thugs who have led us inexorably toward the valley of national and cultural death. Let's hope that enough Congresspersons summon the courage to join Kucinich's articles of impeachment against the vile Dick the Slimy (a great place to begin). Given the nature and number of obvious charges against Cheney it shouldn't take more than an afternoon to conclude the obvious - Cheney is a war criminal and has to go. If enough join in the effort perhaps even the justice-blind Pelosi will have to pay attention.

There apparently is a move afoot to build a private nuclear reactor in the Magic Valley, an idea pretty idiotic in it's own right. Nuclear plants have been prohibited for years (and for good reasons) so why do we need one here in Idaho. Well, it turns out we don't really need one, some private firm wants one. Why do they want one? Better hold your breath - because they need the extra energy to make ethanol. In other words, they are going to build a horrible plant that will spew off nuclear waste for ten thousand years in order to make a product that will basically do little or nothing to help our energy shortage, will be bad for the environment, bad for the food supply, be taxpayer subsidized, and require as much or more energy to manufacture than it will produce. A they want to do this in a state that has enough geothermal and wind power potential to make ethanol and nuclear power obsolete. I'd like to say, "only in Idaho," could anyone come up with an absurd plan like this but I realize there are idiots all over, especially in Congress where they think ethanol is better than the second coming (it certainly will attract those corn state votes). Thank god this is not yet a done deal (at least I don't think it is) so there may be a chance to inject sanity where it might be needed (surely you know where that is). How much does Otter know about this?

We know now that Iraq is not going to meet its benchmarks (did anyone ever believe they would) and that September will not bring any positive news (except whatever they can manufacture out of wholecloth). We will be told again that we dare not leave as there would be chaos (as opposed to the law and order that prevails at the moment). Reid is threatening to...well, he's threatening to...well, I don't exactly know what he's threatening (he'll probably threaten not to leave the troops without further funds to prolong the war until he can threaten again...and again). I sincerely hope I am wrong and that he and Pelosi will actually do something this time to stop this dreadful and useless killing.

It is evening, and quiet. The giant ponderosas outside my study window are standing tall and somber against a light gray sky. There is no wind. At best I expect to hear a distant and romantic train whistle in the night. As always it makes me feel small and insignificant, something like a grain of sand on an infinitely huge beach (even that description may flatter my importance in the entire and mysterious scheme of things). I shall go to bed thinking of rosebuds. That always puts me to sleep.


"A man may take to drink because he feels himself to be a failure, and then fail all the more completely because he drinks. It is rather the same thing that is happening to the English language. It becomes ugly and inaccurate because our thoughts are foolish, but the slovenliness of our languiage makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts."
George Orwell

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