Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Tonight is the 3rd anniversary of Morialekafa. My first blog on this date three years ago had to do with "Bush aides are serial hypocrites." This had to do with their criticisms of John Kerry for getting $75 haircuts and wearing $250 shirts. I said they were carrying hypocrisy to entirely new levels (what with Bush wearing $2000 and $3000 suits, etc.). Little did I know that three years later we would still be putting up with this hypocritical bullshit and worse, much worse.

One would think that with contempt charges being brought against Bolton and Meir, the disgraceful performance of our Attorney General that might result in charges against him, the fact that the entire world knows now that Bush/Cheney and the neocons are blatant liars, the "war" in Iraq is a total disaster, and the continuation of it is simply a ploy to make further profits out of war profiteering, the White House would be in big trouble. That is, indeed, what many are saying, but the question is, what is anyone doing? So far they can't even get enough Congresspersons to sign on to the impeachment charges against Dick the Slimy, clearly the most impeachable person in the history of our country. There is talk of impeachment, to be sure, but nobody "walks the walk." Even John Conyers, who was all for impeachment a while back, seems to be opposed at the moment. What do you suppose Bush/Cheney might have to use against him? Gonzales is so obviously either completely incompetent or a terrible liar he should have to go. No President in history would have kept such a disgraceful person as Attorney General, but Bush refuses to let him go. This speaks loudly to Bush's contempt for not only Congress and the people, but also to his contempt for reality.

Gonzales's performance before the Senate was so outrageously ludicrous as to rival the best of the Keystone Cops. It was surreal in the extreme. It was (is) the perfect example of the situation we now find ourselves mired in. It is no longer a question of whether Bush/Cheney/Gonzales et al, committed all the vile, despicable, illegal, immoral, criminal, unconstitutional and unconscionable acts we know about, but, rather, will they get away with it? At this moment I have to say Bush/Cheney 1, Congress and the rest of us, 0. So far the opposition to Bush/Cheney is all talk and little action. Yes, they brought contempt charges against Bolton/Meirs, but they have to go before the entire Congress and, knowing them, they may not agree. Even if they do agree the whole thing will drag on and on until this administration is gone. This seems to be the strategy now - don't worry about admitting guilt, just keep on obfuscating until doomsday. And what will happen after doomsday? Will Bush/Cheney and their ilk live happily ever after on their obscene war profiteering? Will they be held responsible for their crimes? I hope I can live long enough to see them punished for what they have done. If not, it will be the greatest disappointment of my life.


"Ordinarily he is insane, but he has lucid moments when he is only stupid."
Heinrich Heine

1 comment:

Bubblehead said...

Happy Blogiversary!