Thursday, July 05, 2007

Aw, C'mon, Quit Yer Kiddin'

One can only laugh when you read somewhere, "Bush won't rule out pardon," or words to that effect. Of course he won't rule it out because it's already promised. That Bush will pardon Libby is as certain as the sun setting in the west or that bears poop in the woods. There are strategic reasons for Bush's failure to pardon him right now. If he were to be pardoned he could not claim the 5th amendment in any further investigation. Furthermore, with the current situation, the commutation, Bush can claim that he is still being punished (even though they all know that the so-called punishment will never truly occur). Libby has already paid his $250,000 fine and there is some doubt that he will even have probation. And no matter what happens in the immediate future, he will ultimately be given a complete pardon, his reward, of course, for not spilling the beans on the guilt of Bush/Cheney.

And speaking of Cheney, the second absurd question making the rounds is, "did Cheney have any input into the Libby commutation?" Are they kidding us? Bush would no more have pardoned Libby without consulting with Dick the Slimy than Libby would have leaked Plame's name without Cheney's permission. Of course he consulted with Cheney, as far as I know he doesn't do anything without Cheney's input. And Libby was Cheney's chief aide and friend. Why would he not have been consulted? The idea that he wasn't is simply ridiculous. Bush doesn't seem to be smart enough to realize that Cheney has been playing him for the fool that he is for the past six and a half years.

And speaking of fools, consider the following quotation:

The most conservative geologists were gradually obliged to admit that man had been upon the earth not merely six thousand, or sixty thousand, or one hundred sixty thousand years. And when, in 1863, Sir Charles Lyell, in his book on The Antiquity of Man, retracted solemnly his earlier view -- yielding with a reluctance almost pathetic, but with a thoroughness absolutely convincing -- the last stronghold of orthodoxy in this field fell. (A. D. White, 1955)

Thus, since at least 1863 no reputable scientist has ever challenged the basic fact that the earth is exceedingly old (although precisely how many millions or billions old has been a question). So how is it that in 2007, in the United States of America, supposedly the most advanced human culture there is, there are those still unwilling to believe in this basic fact, and, indeed, are spending millions to build centers promoting ideas that were found ludicrous long ago? They are, in short, poisoning the minds of our children and filling their heads with utter nonsense. Personally, I'm not convinced this should be allowed, it's every bit as bad, and perhaps even worse, than falsely yelling "fire" in a crowded theater.


Levi-Strauss, commenting on one of his philosophy Professors: "I have never known so much naive conviction allied to greater intellectual poverty."

Ring any recent bells?

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