Sunday, July 29, 2007

Hillary has breasts!

Holy moly! Heavens to Betsy! Zounds! You must have all heard by now that Hillary Clinton has breasts! Two of them! Imagine that! I guess she has now progressed from candidate for President to femme fatale. What a controversy! Now Robin Givhans, who wrote the somewhat offensive piece in the first place, claims it wasn't about her newly revealed cleavage but, rather, about fashion. Hillary is a serious woman and a serious and leading candidate for President of the U.S. Why is concentrating on her wardrobe any the less absurd that her cleavage? I don't see anyone concerned about Bush's suits or neckties. Is anyone even aware if Cheney wears clothes? Gonzales I guess might be pretty nappy, I don't know. I don't care either. Are clothes going to be the standard for electing a President? I always thought the criterion was whether or not you might like to drink a beer with the President. I'd love to drink a beer with Hillary.

We certainly heard plenty about John Edwards haircuts (and Kerry's even before). Wow! Edwards has hair, and gets it cut. It's expensive. I guess he's too much of a spender to be President (he has a fine video out about what is actually important - I hope some of the MSM will look at it). How come we never hear about the grooming habits of Republicans? How about that guy caught on camera (I can't think of his name right now) licking his comb and then running it through his hair? Urk! I certainly wouldn't want him for President.

If it hasn't become obvious by now you must have been asleep for a long time. If you want any real news don't bother to watch the MSM. Indeed, they will resort to anything to avoid telling the truth about the Bush/Cheney administration, the situation in Iraq, the influence of the Israeli lobby, Iran, Syria, and so on. If you watch only the MSM you are probably wondering what all the fuss is about. Why should Bush/Cheney be impeached? Alberto hasn't done anything wrong. Neither has Libby. The "war" is going well, we just need more time. Petraeus will save us all. Just total crap piled on the biggest accumulation of crap ever produced before by an American administration.

"In harsh and melancholy epochs free men may always take comfort from the ground lesson of history that tyrannies cannot last except among servile races."
Sir Winston Churchill

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