Friday, June 01, 2007

Is anyone paying attention?

Is anyone paying any attention to what is going on anymore? I know I'm not. I lost interest a long time ago. Now when I see Condi says, or Cheney says, or Bush says, or Snow says I just tune out. I no longer care what they say as I know it will be utter hogwash. Remember when the "surge" was just to be for about three months? Then it was going to be September. Now it is being said that that is too soon. It is also being said now, not only by Bush but by Gates and others as well, that we will have a presence in Iraq probably for another 50 years. So what is the point of listening to just one lie after another? Essentially the same thing is true of Immigration reform (not likely to happen), the Gonzales business, global warming, so-called diplomacy vis-a-vis Iran, health care, and whatever else you can think of. It's just lies on top of obfuscation seasoned with hypocrisy and baked in a crust of complete bullshit. It continues on and on and on and nothing ever happens. We're going to investigate 9/11 - well, maybe someday. We're going to investigate the Plame affair - well, maybe after her lawsuits drag on for a few years. All roads lead to Rove - but we don't have a map so what can we do. We really ought to impeach Bush/Cheney - but that would be awkward and, besides, it would distract us from out other business of doing nothing at all. And oh, yeah, we should probably do something about this ongoing disaster in Iraq - but it might make us look bad. Our present Congress is not going to be outdone by the last six year do-nothing bunch - we can out do-nothing them and not even work up a sweat.

It is widely agreed there can be no military solution to Iraq. So why do we keep sending more and more troops? Twelve million illegal aliens. It would be impractical to send them all back. I know, let's build a wall along our southern border (this is practical?). Someone suggested this should be a double wall so we can catch them in-between. So then what do we do? Gas them? Sending them all back is impractical. I know, let's devise a point system so we can rate them as to their desireability, ten points for this and seven points for that, and two points for this, and pretty soon you have a great system. The ones with enough points can become permanent if they can pay the five thousand dollars and return to their homeland first. This is eminently practical, given that there are only twelve million of them to process.

If you examine the Republican candidates for President you will find little cause for hope. It's like the ten numbskulls of the apocalypse. They are so bad that even their own party is looking for a great white hope in Hollywood who can at least pretend to be Ronald Reagan (why they would want another Ronald Reagan escapes me as he was an absolutely terrible President - Think aids, environment, debt, Iran-contra, etc.). Of course he was a winner in Granada. He showed those savages a thing or two.

Things are not a whole lot better on the Democratic side. A lot of Republican lite, inexperience, and vanity candidates. The candidates that might be expected to actually try to change things, like Edwards, Richardson and Kucinich have already been dismissed by the MSM and are either ignored or under attack for completely nonsensical reasons. The one possible candidate that might save the party has not yet said he will run but is already being dissed by the MSM just as he was in 2000. Now some are saying he is just too intellectual. God forbid we could have an experienced person for President who actually knows something.


Winston Churchill on being informed his fly was open: "Not to worry, dead birds don't fall out of the nest."

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