Wednesday, August 13, 2008

McCain for President?

Skamokawa, population 500,
loses two tavern owners
within 24 hour period.

George W. Bush demands Russia withdraw from Georgia. Please try to restrain your hysterical laughter.

The swiftboaters are coming out now against Obama. I guess their book is already out. One can only imagine the wealth of lies, exaggerations, distortions, and innuendoes it must contain. They are not at all coy about their intentions, the author (whose name I cannot remember for the moment) has said he does not want Obama to be President. I guess you can easily figure out what audience is going to be drawn to such a book. This will be roviation carried to its apex. Pathetic. I’m all for free speech but in cases like this I do wonder if it should be permitted. That is, when everyone knows it is going to be nothing but a pack of lies, why bother? Far right groups will be ordering this piece of filth to make it appear to be a best seller, just as they do with Ann Coulter’s asininities.
McCain has not disavowed this attempt, even though in the past he has admitted that Obama is patriotic and a fine candidate. This just proves, once again, that he will do anything, no matter how sleazy, to become President.

The McCain campaign has made no secret of their strategy. Knowing they have no chance of winning on any of the important issues, they are making it clear they are out to discredit Obama (and are actively involved in trying to do just that, as above). I recommend that people think very carefully about this, and about the implications of it. Think of what we will have left if they destroy Obama, and ask yourself if that is really what you want for a President. John McCain is not an attractive candidate for President for many, many reasons. He is a serious flip-flopper which can be easily seen in the many ways he has changed his mind over time, not the least of which is now embracing supporters that not long ago he viciously spurned (Evangelicals, for example). He surrounded himself with advisors that were important and active lobbyists even while professing he was against lobbyists. He currently has an important member of his staff who has been (and perhaps still is) an active lobbyist for the nation of Georgia (a blatant conflict of interest). He was previously involved in the Keating scandal, hardly a recommendation for being President. He is a known adulterer. He graduated towards the real bottom of his class. He has nowhere near the leadership experience he claims to have. He has followed the Bush/Cheney administration some 95% of the time and will represent little more than a third term for Bush. He has put himself in the pockets of big oil. He has mistaken the Sunni and Shiites on more than one occasion, thinks that Czechoslovakia is still a country, He is opposed to abortion and says he will appoint Supreme Court Justices in the mold of Scalia (heaven forbid!), and he is a terrible hypocrite (everything he has criticized Obama for he has done himself. There are too many examples to list but consider his treatment of our military, his about face on taxes, drilling for oil, and Afghanistan, etc., etc.). He will be 72 years old and in my opinion is already showing preliminary signs of senility. Worst of all, he is unabashedley and consistently militaristic, to the exclusion of any other approach to problems. He has announced repeatedly there will be other wars, there will be other wars, ad infinitum, and it is pretty damn certain there will be if he ever becomes President. He is known to be hot tempered and revengeful. Now tell me, is that the kind of person you really want for President? Whatever you might think of Obama, is McCain an adequate substitute? I most certainly don’t think so. If Obama is risky, McCain is much more risky. His approach to Foreign Policy is a relic of 19th century colonialism. It seems to be a mixture of Onward Christian Soldiers, Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead, shoot first and ask questions later, with a bit of the White Man’s Burden thrown in for good measure. When he addresses us as “my friends,” I suggest you reach for your wallet with one hand and your revolver with the other. His once admired Straight Talk Express has become little more than the Forked Tongue Freighter. It has not been a pretty development. So Senator McCain, I suggest your attempt to destroy Obama might easily backfire and destroy yourself. You really have nothing to offer that hasn’t already failed.

To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years. To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day.
Sir Winston Churchill

1 comment:

Watch 'n Wait said...

M...Well hell, he think he's already the prez..sending Liberman and Graham off to Georgia and Russia. Talk about jumping the gun. And if that isn't bad enough, Hillary's idiots are gonna get to vote for her once again at the Dem Nat'l Conv roll call. McCain has also been using Hillary's trashing of Obama in his own campaign. Talk about aiding the enemy! I am so disgusted!!!